DM: “Alright. Everyone else, please make up and write down two things about this player’s backstory and let me know. Do not tell each other what you wrote. I’ll choose which ones I’ll use plus may throw in a couple myself” evil laugh
DM: “Alright. Everyone else, please make up and write down two things about this player’s backstory and let me know. Do not tell each other what you wrote. I’ll choose which ones I’ll use plus may throw in a couple myself” evil laugh
Good that you mentioned that. Personally, I think it’s a fair trade off for Logseq’s functionality.
Here are some links that discuss this including some scripts
I switched from Tiddlywiki to Logseq 3-4 months ago and LOVE Logseq.
Part of the reason I didn’t like Tiddlywiki was it kept everything in a single html file (including embedded images – eww) which made it annoying to move information around. (Note there is an option to run your own server which gives you extra flexibility, but I wasn’t interested in doing that.)
With Logseq, it’s separate markdown file per journal entry / wiki page. I like the addons that are available as well as the queries, e.g., {{query (todo doing)}}
displays my do now tasks on my journal page.
Here’s a Beginner’s Guide on how to use LogSeq: YouTube video by Keep Productive
I also don’t know anyone who uses a Brita filter. I prefer tap water and have never had to boil it but I’ve mainly lived in large cities in southern Ontario, Canada.
However for a few months when I lived in a very small town (< 250 people) and the house I rented got water from a well – at that point I drank only bottled water. The well water turned the shower wall orange so I really wasn’t keen to drink it.
This impacts more than just cheaters. Rockstar apparently didn’t enable Proton support with Battleye meaning many Linux users can no longer play GTA Online. I don’t play GTAO but I am not looking forward to when I can no longer play Red Dead Online.
“As we mentioned previously, BattlEye on Proton integration has reached a point where all a developer needs to do is reach out BattlEye to enable it for their title. No additional work is required by the developer besides that communication.” source: