And some genuinely could care less about looking at either.
And some genuinely could care less about looking at either.
Not everyone has the means and opportunity to pack up and leave a shitty state.
The flip side of this is charter schools aren’t required to take special needs kids, either. Oh, your kid has Down Syndrome or is Autistic and needs additional staff or effort? Sorry, they’re not welcome here. They have to go to the public school. The public school doesn’t have enough funding to afford Special Ed teachers because it’s all been vouchered away to charter schools? Tough titty.
Public schools work because the money pays for things like Special Education and Gifted and Talented programs. Charter schools can’t afford either, so they don’t provide either. Even ignoring the possible pitfalls of for-profit motives, you’re going to end up with a weakened education system because without collective funding, all education must be geared towards the statistical average.
My money is on it being a way to get around political donation limits - if you’re buying a product, you aren’t donating. Elon can buy a handful of these to give out to his buddies, and it doesn’t count as donating a million dollars to Trump’s campaign.
This amuses me, since I literally went from Gentoo to Arch because it felt like the same bleeding edge distro without having to wait for the compile time for half of the packages.
That said, I generally don’t recommend Arch (or Gentoo) to newbies. It’s great when it works, but the number of times I’ve had to troubleshoot some random dependency issue because I took more than a week to update my system would scare any newbie away. It’s a bit like the parable of the cobbler’s kids having the worst shoes, or the mechanic always driving a project car - when you have the skills to fix something, you’re willing to put up with a lot of bullshit that a normal person wouldn’t.
I bought a second PTS back in the day, and kept my original as a backup. I just recently had to switch back to it because the daily driver couldn’t hold a charge anymore.
I tried looking for a replacement smart watch that could do the things I need it to do, and there’s still not one on the market at any price point that can do
Ah yes, there should have been more “in the sense of fairness, let us talk about the pros of torturing your child into submission”. What is journalism coming to these days, leaving out such important information?