I bought a pack for the first time in like 10 years, fk it
I bought a pack for the first time in like 10 years, fk it
There’s a hunter2 joke here but I’m too old and tired
That makes sense, thanks for teaching me something today :)
I don’t speak Spanish (helpful eh?) but I remember when I was in Mexico I went to a cool place called Xel-Há, which was pronounced shell-ha. So there’s one.
You can just say ‘five zero’ and it’ll be interpreted as 50, I just tried it.
We’re gonna need a lemmysings comm, we’re gonna need a lemmysings comm, we’re gonna need a lemmysings comm ear-ly in the morning.
Also because a bunch of us are trying repeatedly and failing…I’ve given up but was trying unsuccessfully to make an account for a solid 24 hours.
Can confirm anecdotally. Have a Harry Potter tattoo from when I was 18, am trans. Only one of them I regret and it’s not transitioning.