Hollywood can get bent, we need open source culture
Hollywood can get bent, we need open source culture
Good luck suing them
~12% for a widely speculated upon stock, not really.
Lemonade in particular is very low % juice. Dunno exactly but probably above 10% it starts tasting too strong.
Food safety regulations don’t ban dilution.
Anything useful was probably burned. Coretta Scott King believed the FBI killed MLK, for reference. Trump’s just pandering of course.
Honestly, there’s some HFCS bullshit, but mostly storebought lemonade seems to be just lemon juice and cane sugar.
Saving stuff like this from the past year and a half in folders named “israel” and “us”. Starting to feel like I should just merge them, since they’re just the same thing. Jonathan Greenblatt from the “Anti-Defamation League” talking about the “TikTok problem”, and 5 seconds later a bill to ban it is passed.
Republicans are a lost cause, Democrats are a lost cause, pretty soon we’re trying to win in a majority rule system with 1% of the vote.
Much like how the current German government is just resold, used Nazi Germany