I like doing stuff in the yard but if we’re calling that chores, idk get high go fishing, maybe float on an inner tube with some beers
I like doing stuff in the yard but if we’re calling that chores, idk get high go fishing, maybe float on an inner tube with some beers
Yep. My final phone to have one came with this app to control it that was straight malware. Force click a pop up every time you open the app type shit. I still miss it
It took me way too long to realize when someone asks how my weekend was it’s because they want to talk about their weekend
Like once a year we get an article about how the us military is too reliant on Chinese parts in their supply chain lol
If you’re just worried about rust I’d say do it yourself it’s not that hard
Yup I’ve been there. Any kind of ban or forum closing sucks just take a beat so you’re not all worked up
I say this with all sincerity; log off. Just for a bit to reset your relationship with sites like reddit. If you do you won’t care what happens on reddit
This was like 15 (fuck has it been 20?) years ago in a state with very strict gun control. We were kind of in the lull between columbine and sandy hook but idk. Rural area. If you see a shotgun next to some camo and duck decoys your first thought isn’t mass shooter
My buddy and I used to go hunting before school so we’d end up with guns in the truck if we were running late. Generally made an effort to hide them and keep everything locked at least
Yeah it’s slower with less people. Reddit I scrolled to find stuff, where as I use lemmy to post things i find
Man that’d be useful I’m actually struggling to find a really niche electrical connector roght now
The chapo fork just got rid of downvotes entirely
Yeah ill check it out
That tegmark guy is a good example of what I was talking about. That future of life institute he’s a part of has jaan tallinn as one of its founders; a person who is invested in AI companies. So I have a hard time telling what’s neutral information and what’s marketing
Pretty much where I’m at now. Meat is really just a dinner thing and not every night. Got there mostly out of laziness and being broke
I apparently was too stupid to find the thing that teaches you how to craft in thebvery beginning, as well as the first boss, so I ended up wandering around grinding until I killed the second boss first. Idk man those games just aren’t for me
Used to be a handyman now I’m a machinist
Shit just works. I’m not dicking around looking for drivers and stuff. The way I use a computer I’m not really getting a benefit from linux
Freecad. It’s a little rough to use compared to professional cad products I’ve used but it can really do a lot. In a lot of ways it feels less constrained than some of the stuff I’ve used too
The horde aspect might make it easier. The ones on twitter at least you can tell are just running the same script through a thesaurus basically. 20 people leaving the same comment is a little more obvious than just one