I think I need a little more help here. Maybe it’s just about not having English as a native language, but the link talks about avoiding the word bug because of connections to sodomy?
I think I need a little more help here. Maybe it’s just about not having English as a native language, but the link talks about avoiding the word bug because of connections to sodomy?
Honestly asking, who gave them horrible reviews? Have seen some middling ones and support has some negative threads in the forum, but nothing really bad?
45 year old here, I remember my father using cheques a long time ago. (non-USAian)
Read your comment, thought well that sucks and proceeded to do exactly the same 🤦♂️
That’s just for tax evasion
It’s running Merlin, works pretty well. Then again, all it does is NAT and DHCP (and apparently the parent control thing)
Asus had some different ideas about libgen.rs 😯
My parents had them and were ecstatic at how great they were. Unfortunately that’s in the past tense.
They lasted longer than other nonstick, but in the end they started peeling just like other brands and they went back to cast iron and stainless.
Of course each attendee in scenario 2 will give you two cookies for participating.
Same on boost