Mentally ill woman, adult, works for DIDDs (US).

I’m here to help!

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I have no idea. It’s monstrously large so that might be why.

    I was buying them and eating half of one for breakfast but with like no protein and no redeeming qualities beyond “not hungry” and “taste good” I knew it wasn’t a real option. But my point here wasn’t “this is what I do,” my point was, “people are being disingenuous when they pretend it’s not a real option many people are taking.”

    I work 12 hour shifts. I do meal prep of curries or stews and that makes a good, cheap meal, but the storage required to freeze 3 meals worth of meal prep for 4 days of work… plus the time it consumes in making and properly cooling and storing those meals… it’s not a luxury many people have. Convenience options are very appealing for many reasons and there’s this place where “I have to spend at least a day a week planning for work, preparing and putting away food in order for it to be healthy” yoyos around to, “I don’t make enough to buy healthy convenience food.” If I had kids I’d never be able to prep like I do. Hell, it’s difficult as it is!

  • I have to agree to disagree.

    I often do find myself more likely to talk about gender specific issues when I know that the space I’m in will make an effort to exclude those people who don’t understand that some topics aren’t for them. I have seen, time and again, how any topic focusing on the issues of a specific gender will bring out hordes of people to scream about how this exclusion is somehow evil or wrong just because it excludes them.

    Gender specific conversations draw out trolls like nothing else.