“We didn’t leak this.”
Yeah no shit bub.
“We didn’t leak this.”
Yeah no shit bub.
If they’re going the unofficial route, I would think Bazzite would be the more “safe” recommendation if you were looking to get SteamOS without having what I will only halfheartedly describe as a cludged-together distro (as much as I love the project).
This is… A wildly incredibly incompetent bullshit article. Wow.
“Sources say that the suspect may have looked at something called a ‘jahy-peg’ on his ‘thinkbox’ or ‘compu-ter’”
It’s probably easier if we start by listing all the things that aren’t happening today.
You’re making the assumption that they’ll pay out for a heart attack or diabetes later. You just said that they were caused by the pre-existing condition of not having a prosthetic limb.
I have become hype, destroyer of expectations.
Well, I don’t know if it should’ve felt the same. The feedback you get from deflecting a stick is just personally preferable to the feedback of haptics and a touchpad for me.
I really love the deck’s layout, the original steam controller only having one analogue stick killed it in my opinion. I could never get used to trackpads joystick emulation in games that were designed for an Xbox controller.
I’ll be happy to change my tune when the trial sets out the facts, these facts at least aren’t overly-controversial so I have no reason to distrust them when the come out in court. Mostly just a decade-long hobbyist watching regulations come out of NY already (background check for a fancy automatic hot glue gun, wow that sure is saving kids good job) that set them against 3D printer ownership in general and becoming frustrated with the connotation and how it taints perceptions of my fun cool hobby. I wouldn’t be surprised if the chief is just saying buzzwords that play well to the media based off of misunderstood reporting by his subordinates that then gets spun into “he totally 3D printed 50 guns” or whatever.
Ghost gun does not mean 3D printed. It’s a very frustrating new connotation, as someone who would very much like people to stop assuming 3D printing people all print out guns or whatever.
Ghost gun means it isn’t traceable in the same way that non-ghost guns are, be it because the serial has been filed off or never existed or what have you.
I don’t know how much it being set (in the show and the original games and new Vegas) in an arid dry location might impact your average building’s longevity, and also at least in this case I just ultimately consider that the property is based on the setting for a D&D game iirc and in the end rule of cool wins out. Maybe unrealistic, or maybe the result of an alternate timeline that led to divergent construction standards from the constant threat of war that made all buildings be regulated to be capable of withstanding direct attack or something stupid that inadvertently had the effect of making newer structures last for hundreds of years longer. There’s all kinds of hand-waving that could just easily be done by Bethesda at this point, they already introduced the brotherhood of steel in 76 much earlier than previously established in their own canon, might as well retcon basically anything.
Edit: New Vegas, for example, had a lore excuse and shows what I think is also reasonable decay under the circumstances. Earlier games were similarly more realistically destitute and broken down, except where it made sense. Bethesda likely just thought that running around a bunch of radioactive ash would be more boring.
I mean, if anything we’re going to sit on the shelf for 200+ years, it would be the plastic pumpkins.
As a Virginian living in the area, it’s all over NPR. Dunno what to tell you.
Oddly, I almost exclusively use the trackpads on my deck. I tend to play mainly mouse-driven games.
Close! I was supposed to be working at the time.
The writing was on the wall when reddit restricted buying awards in anything but the official app. For some reason, I even have a vivid recollection of where I was in the world when that went down.
It may seem that way, but in reality they’re both exactly the same.
The fact is Steam is the only company that benefits from an army of simps ready to defend Gaben at the slightest hint of negativity.
Well yeah it’d be weird to defend gaben against allegations at a different company.
Oh, did you mean that gaben is the only person who has a weirdly parasocial fan base? That’s demonstrably not true.
Your comment almost launched me into the third tirade in as many months about how the story of “schools putting in litter boxes” was nothing but anti-education nonsense that doesn’t take into account the fact that most school boards are made up of people who would never do anything like that in a million years just on cost alone, then I re-read lol.