Pipewire fixed some Bluetooth issues for me.
Pipewire fixed some Bluetooth issues for me.
It’s not automated. I just have the most important commands to fix/rebuild my sever in case of disasater.
I don’t save all my documents. Just my self-hosting, servers infraestructure notes. I don’t want to have the recovery intructions in the same machine I’m recovering
The only thing I save in Google Drive are my notes just in case of disaster.
No, we have more employment with less working hours.
Real unemployment (calculated with the total number of hours worked, number of temporary workers… etc) is between 19% and 23%. It has been like this since 2008 crisis. The unemployment among youth people is 45%.
There a many reasons, not just one. Imho it’s related to the tourism (summer season), we have few industry (full time jobs all year), unemployment benefits are very generous (there are some jobs in agriculture that are done just by inmigrants from moroco with temporary visa, the landlords don’t find Spanish people to work)
In Spain 6/10 citizens vote left or far-left parties. They don’t change the vote even if the goverment does a bad job. They just hate the right for different reasons. The only way the rigth can win the elections is if most people who votes left don’t go to vote.
Stats are manipulated. 3 years ago the government changed the name of the temporary job contracts to “discontinuous permanent worker”. They are hired by a company but they only work few days or even few months a year. People with that kind of contract does not count as unemployed, even if they only work few days a year.
Most of the workers with that kind of contract want to work a full time job but they can’t due to the high unemployment. The same as before but now the stats looks better.
10 Gbps symetric no limits @ 25€ month. Spain.
That’s a competition problem. If its a monopoly and you just change the owner you are not solving anything. The state job must be guarantee the competition, not to run all kind of business.
With the levels of corruption, unemployment and nepotism in Spain the less state the better., They want to run state owned business to give jobs to his familys, friends and politics. All state owned business here give really bad service and they lost hundreds of millions every year that are paid by all taxpayers, not just the users.
Another OnePlus. Buy a brand new but not the last model. @400€
I don’t want to spend time defending VOX because I don’t like them. Some of the things you said are right but exaggerated. They want stronger laws against crimes and illegal immigration, it’s not against human rights. Franco’s death was 50 years ago, please move on, Spain is a totally different country now. The friends of wealthy people are PP and PSOE (or any with politic power). They are in favor of universal free education and universal free healthcare, but the services must be provided by private companies because it’s more efficient than public employees.
Please do not insult my intelligence saying the people has more rights and economic well being with the “communists”. If you really live in Spain I don’t have to explain you that the economy is worse than ever. You are poorer every day even if you don’t know the data. Spain was the 8th most rich country per capita in 2005, close to France and Italy. Now we are 36 and going down => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita
The communist try to solve all the problems with
They want to apply in Spain the policies that have failed in all communist countries. All of them very democratic and Sumar supports them.
You are mixing far-right with liberals (less regulation). In Spain there aren’t liberal partys. You can check the group they belong in the EU parlament.
I’m Spanish too but I don’t vote for any party. If VOX are fascists I hope you call the far-left parties comunists + fascists too. If you don’t see it that way, you’re just whitewashing them and spreading their propaganda.
People choose the rigth-center party, but the left-center + far-left + separatists are going to rule another 4 years.
Review your sources because VOX is not fascist in any way. It’s considered far-rigth by some media because they defend the traditional family and inmigration controls, but they are democrats and they want a strong nation. You can’t say the same thing for the independentists.
It’s far-right in the Spanix context. Compared with Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, Erdogan… VOX are very soft. They will be socialists on that countries.
This is really bad for Spain/EU. There are 2 posibilities. 1) A coallition of 7 parties who lost the election. Some of them are far-left and the others are working to leave Spain. 2) New elections at the end of the year.
Nice read. I did similar hacks in the past but I have less time lately.