I assumed it was a really dark joke about missing First Nations women
I assumed it was a really dark joke about missing First Nations women
Ignored HIV, gutted school funding, illegally sold arms to Iran to fund the Sandinistas, fired 11k air traffic controllers, started the culture wars…
There’s much more, but that’s a start
Like, polite? Maybe. He was certainly not kind.
A reverend, a catholic, a bearded man, and a demon
Nobody in that family would ever go near water again
You have to cherry pick to post a meme like this
I used to work at an insurance company, and all of our workers compensation stuff was called Milwaukee coverage because it used to only be required in Wisconsin
He used to be different politically, because that was cool. Now he has enough money that people will tell him he’s cool no matter what his politics are, so he now supports the causes that benefit him. I don’t think he’s ever going back.
I think they were responding to the “neither goes anywhere” part, not the support part
I read even the really weird books, and none of them were as bad as the movie. They make Petra into a love interest. They also really downplay how hard ender can be, so, you know, entirely removing the purpose of the story.
I’ve thought that before about Marco Rubio
Downvotes don’t do anything though. On reddit, it could remove your ability to post, but on here it at absolute worst prejudices the reader
It’s wild to imagine the cognitive dissonance in orson Scott card’s mind. He saw some things so clearly and others not at all
Why not block them if you think they’re propaganda?
To be fair, the downvotes mean nothing.
I don’t believe I’ve ever voted for a person who wasn’t a bastard, there’s no conflict of interest
I was just thinking that it’s nice to have a link to show that OP doesn’t exclusively post anti-Biden news
Yeah, obviously. But autism rates are going up because doctors are better at diagnosis and people are more comfortable being identified as different, which some assholes attribute to vaccines. Of course they’re not going to look at higher rates of LGBTQA+ self identification as a sign that people are more comfortable being themselves, but instead as evidence that CRT or fluoride or whatever is at fault and must be banned.
Well, that’s disappointing.