It’s basically a lightweight system for organizing markdown files, lots of great organization and search features and lots of available extensions
It’s basically a lightweight system for organizing markdown files, lots of great organization and search features and lots of available extensions
spoken like a true geezer
fwiw “unalive” came about to circumvent automatic censorship, It’s the young people being tech savvy. Meanwhile, you’re over in the corner stewing as the world passes you by.
Don’t fall into the perpetual trap of thinking the current crop of young people are the worst thing ever, it’ll make your hair fall out
With that short lived bit of nostalgia for cringy old meme formats I think it’s also safe to say that this platform skews old.
It was a pretty bad idea, not only a privacy risk for users but for anyone those users interact with. You no longer get the guarantee that your iMessages are end to end encrypted since anyone using the service puts a man in the middle for everyone they communicate with.