I’m curious, what would happen if you failed kids anyway, despite the pressure from admin?
I’m curious, what would happen if you failed kids anyway, despite the pressure from admin?
I’m going to start calling area “2-dimensional volume”
hygiene poverty, what a weird way to say “stinky”
damn, same
do self hosters use Windows? i would have thought most people were running Linux
you promise?
I use Prometheus and grafana at home because i use it at work, so I’m familiar with it
based on this article, i would say it’s fortunate that they have very little power
just like Amazon no-checkout grocery store!
this is about beijing, China, not beijing, Alabama
i went to high school in Texas in the 90s. One of the options for senior English was “the Bible as and in literature”, where they did what it says on the tin - studied the christian bible as a work of literature, and also ways the bible was used in literature.
it was an aggressively non-religious class that focused on the bible because of its cultural importance, and some of my friends that started out nominally christian stopped identifying as such after reading the bible for class (some of them for the first time ever).
That’s how you teach (just) the bible in school. Not whatever the hell they are doing now.
to many word
🎵 it’s the end of the web as we know it, and i feel fine 🎵
have you checked in the invidious logs for error messages? without your configs or logs, all we can do is guess about likely issues
oooo, GameStation 5 is out? GameStation 460 was so good, i gotta get the new one
Betteridge’s law?
I’ve got a lepotato; let me see if i can get some benchmarks for you
you know this is the selfhosted community, right?
i thought this was about the MUD server software, and got excited. alas.
i didn’t realize things had gotten so bad