40+ is not Boomers, it’s Gen X and Millenials too…
40+ is not Boomers, it’s Gen X and Millenials too…
If I understand correctly, it’s close to a majority that can’t be arsed to vote. Maybe we should ask why, rather than assume these people are lazy or disinterested.
Not targeting Trump personally, but voters that are on the 5 they sit this one out.
I’ve said this before, but it’s worth repeating: all that effort put targeting Harris, but I didn’t see one thread targeting Trump, even though it was clear that it would be a close call.
And if they do need to do a refurbishment, why not one floor at a time? Why should the tenants be burdened with the cost of moving? If work needs doing, pay for the tenants to live elsewhere for the duration so they don’t lose their homes.
My guess is these will be back in the market as ‘luxury’ flats in 6 months’ time.
Took a while, but someone did eventually notice!
That would indeed be a nice feature. I’m sure they would welcome the suggestion!
System Monitor is very much still alive, and I’m pretty sure it is updated to Qt6. I was using it only yesterday on Plasma 6…
Well, now you mention it, the motivation here may be to reduce their bandwidth costs? Probably not 2 million, but every € counts…
This is supposed to be fine dining?
Yeah, fuck TicketMaster.
Part of the point is that touring and gigs are no longer profitable either.
If you do that, you will just split the vote, giving Republicans another win. I’m not sure if your democracy will survive thus term, but another… forget it.
Nvidia made money, but I’ve not seen OpenAI do anything useful, and they are not even profitable.
It’s curious that these people never targeted the Republican position on Gazza, even though it was clear from the polls that Trump had a good chance of winning.
Yeah, but at least we saved Gazza.
And I include his enablers who banged on about Gazza. If your actions get a facist elected, you are a facist.
Even a country formed by survivors of the last round is engaging in genocide.
Having read the whole article, I’m not entirely sure Amanda Palmer comes out smelling of roses either - the way the last few paragraphs are written make me feel she’s covering up for him, and those lyrics read like she’s got it in for her.