„bethany bongiorno“ is the most made-up sounding name I‘ve ever heard
„bethany bongiorno“ is the most made-up sounding name I‘ve ever heard
jokes on you i almost always use wireless 🕶️
I agree that she‘s displaying a lot of self-awareness here and I‘d like to point out that this doesn‘t make her comparison any less warranted
I‘m German, currently living in Switzerland and when I recently visited Germany I was appalled by the amount of unconditional support for Israel, for example a HUGE (maybe 10x10m?) israeli flag on the offices of the Grünen party and official posters calling for solidarity. I don‘t even think this is stemming from (however undifferentiated and misguided) historical considerations, rather than geopolitical considerations. Also on the subject of the article, I think that‘s a pretty apt and carefully done comparison.
quick reminder that muji uses slave labor from xinjiang
awesome thanks, turns out I saw and loved a lot of their stuff (like titane, memories of murder, triangle of sadness) but never realized they were from the same studio
what are some other studios to keep an eye on?
do you have a source for this? because obviously it‘s utter bullshit, just looking at the recent tax cuts for german gas stations which were decidedly NOT „passed onto the consumer“
well worth the read, I didn‘t know about the IPO background until now
Being a star wars fan and avid reader I felt like I should give them a try, did some research and the consensus seemed to be that the thawn trilogy was the best, read book one and hated it for how one-dimensional the characters were, nothing at all noteworthy from a literary perspective
thanks, I tried that for a few days but turns out I can‘t live without a search function… trying wefwef now! so far pretty great
which app are you using? I can‘t seem to find any on my (Swiss) AppStore…
ah sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension