Yeah long flu is such a bastard
Yeah long flu is such a bastard
Absolutely, and I agree that this is a long standing issue.
Duopoly is bad. Trump is worse
Oh yeah, of course we can always do better. No way you can enact a country wide change like this without some flaws
BTW “submissive subhunans”?, go fuck yourself
JFC learn to read. My comment was about people who were spreading misinformation. If that wasn’t you, hold your victim mentality
Yep. The people who brought the enquiry would love for it to criticise the covid response, as they were the ones cheerleading the naysayers
By… stating the objective truth? Do you have an objection to that, or just being contrary?
Yeah, misinformation from conspiracists and right wing politicians wore at the publics resolve and found a home the hearts of other reactionaries and conspiracists. That’s the truth, but it’s not a fault of thee covid response, it’s a fault of people who view society as an enemy
We had less deaths than we would have had normally. We also saved a bucket load of jobs by supporting businesses. We, objectively, did better than pretty much anyone else. What seems to continually escape people’s attention is that the NZ health system is shit. We have fuck all hospital beds and fuck all staff. Letting the virus run free would have overrun our system in days. A better health system that ours might have more options than we did, but as it was, we did bloody well.
I don’t actually like the game but boy am I impressed with the dev. I was critical early on but he more than exceeded expectations. I wish them all the success in the world
And nothing will be done about it
Nah. The US has blood all over it’s hands Re Gaza. Agreed that blaming NATO is nonsense
Um. BS. I have a 1080 and Remnant 2 plays fantastic on my machine. It’s not UE5 which is the problem
Because Genocide = BAD and defence against a war of aggression = GOOD
Gagging for those sweet downvotes.