Corporations only have one goal. To make as much money as possible.
There is nothing else. There is no moral obligation. There is no social contract. There is nothing but making as much profit as possible at all costs.
This is why capitalist democracy will always devolve. If I’m a large corporation that is powerful enough for meaningful political influence- I will always try to manipulate the system into a) eroding the free market so I have less competition and b) influencing the government to enact policies that subsidizes my operations. Eventually you end up with a system like 1930s Germany or modern China- where the state picks and chooses some favored corporations and allow them to dominate the market in exchange for cooperation and subservience. Like Volkswagen,_Grundsteinlegung_für_Werk_des_KdF-Wagens.jpg
So when a company says something about how much they love X or Y or Z and inclusion and diversity and whatever other buzz word of the month- they are saying it in order to maximize profits and they will stop saying it the moment the calculus changes.
people with significant money in art assets have it documented and insured. if he had 30 pieces just by warhols and additional, we’re likely talking millions of dollars of assets.
nobody leaves millions of dollars lying around without some sort of insurance
to be honest, this is a great opportunity for him to cash out of all his expensive art in one fell swoop. i would be elated if I were him