I wouldn’t necessarily say that the left right spectrum is tied to economic views only, while economics are usually part of a political view judging only by that is a bit one dimensional (non us perspective)
I wouldn’t necessarily say that the left right spectrum is tied to economic views only, while economics are usually part of a political view judging only by that is a bit one dimensional (non us perspective)
Sway, will try the new cosmic once its in beta
Bought a new phone and still find myself searching for the audio plug every time i pick up my headset…
Space-time itself is curved, therefore everything is moving in a straight line, it only appears to be curved to the outside observer
I mean its already in the nix repos as well as homebrew which means its essentially taken care of
I heard the wayland compositor niri is inspired by paperwm, fyi. Also I doubt that cosmic will be very extendable when it releases, since most components are rewritten in rust and compiled, thus unless they specifically add some sort of scripting support extensions wont happen as easily as on gnome
Imo you immensely overestimate the capabilities of these models. What they show to the public are always hand picked situations even if they say they dont
Guys stop getting upset, he didnt play any of them