I just assumed he was capitalizing on the situation to avoid answering town hall questions.
I just assumed he was capitalizing on the situation to avoid answering town hall questions.
And we’ll come up with a name that merges climate and technology, let’s call it skynet.
Too spooky for me
Israel has dehumanized the people of Palestine for a long time. This is not at all surprising. The western world looks the other way for decades to avoid the uncomfortable truth.
Wouldn’t surprise me if they created this news cycle intentionally to make the point. Upcoming ‘election’ and all.
Eve is a unique game, its incredibly complex and also quite boring most of the time but its a huge sandbox with a lot of different types of gameplay mechanics. When I first started the game myself and several other new players started a corporation and focused on mining and hauling and we ended up growing to about a hundred people at which point some corporations started going to war against us, presumably just for target practice, but we learned how to fight back and it was a really satisfying experience. Later on I joined null sec alliances in big wars, pirate groups leeching off anything that moved in low sec, noob corps mass recruiting and engaging in factional warfare. I haven’t played in more than a decade but I’m always thinking about getting back into it - I love the style and complexity of the game but its hard to get much out of it if you don’t put a lot of time into it.
I think the game is more or less free to play until you get to a certain point with skills. If you give it another go I recommend getting yourself into a corporation where people will show you the ropes and help you explore different aspects of the game.
10 years ago Dust514 had some stuff going for it but being a console exclusive was the main reason I didn’t put much time into it. They shut it down due to low player count then shortly after announced they were working on a similar shooter for PC called Legion, then later called Nova - seems like this new game is a continuation of that work.
Here is a teaser trailer from 4 years ago for ‘Project Nova’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXEo8v6MXGM
Yesterday CCP games had their Eve Online Fanfest where they unveiled Vanguard for the first time https://youtu.be/bSdm12r1W04?si=qnLjhdbDOvbMod7D&t=2508
I immediately got a sense of what kind of game it was, works for me.
My bar for their games is high and its been exceeded. I would be happier if it had every feature I can dream up but if I wanted a game that had an infinite scope and an endless development cycle I’d just pay $10k for a ship in star citizen and hope it releases before I die. Thankfully I’m able to enjoy a game made by one of the most lauded and successful video game developers in the world and not be a curmudgeon about it.
Not trying to be a dick, just seems like everyone else is. Don’t buy it if you need x feature and it isn’t there, maybe they will learn a lesson and make the game you wanted them to next time.
100 mods later and we’re cooking
A plane crash can make it easier to claim an alive man is dead as there may not be a body.
I could see this as a means to keep Wagner troops loyalties in check, or just to keep everyone guessing. The most likely scenario though is that Putin did what Putin does which is assassination.
Here is a video about both if interested. https://youtu.be/bQZAg4RwuZU
Skyblivion is going to get right to the finish line then get shut down isn’t it?
Writing in the Times of London in 1894, one writer estimated that in 50 years every street in London would be buried under nine feet of manure. Moreover, all these horses had to be stabled, which used up ever-larger areas of increasingly valuable land. And as the number of horses grew, ever-more land had to be devoted to producing hay to feed them (rather than producing food for people), and this had to be brought into cities and distributed—by horse-drawn vehicles. It seemed that urban civilization was doomed.
While the situation is dire, some solutions we don’t see yet may come forward still.
This interview with James Cameron is pretty good, talks about the design issues in detail.
Sounds like too much for me, thanks for the report!
Of what you’ve seen so far, what % of your time with the game is gameplay vs story/cutscene?
Very ambitious, looks great.
I’m disappointed they don’t have the capability to work on ES, Fallout, and this in parallel. You’d think that they sold enough Skyrim units to do that but seem to feel like they can’t do all those things at once.
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