Darn, so you mean “We expect most SteamOS users to get SteamOS preinstalled on a Steam Machine” meaning handhelds?
Here I thought maybe they would go full fledged desktop OS 😞
Done with /s
Darn, so you mean “We expect most SteamOS users to get SteamOS preinstalled on a Steam Machine” meaning handhelds?
Here I thought maybe they would go full fledged desktop OS 😞
Ohhh, I can’t wait to pay a sub for my OS… that I will have no control over
Just a few more years
“Evil always turns on itself.”
Starts thinking of all his old pc equipment How much gold is in this stuff
Yeah, I’m a grumpy atheist. Guess what, I was an even grumpier theist.
Did you see what they did to Cascadia? Did you? I was there, almost crashed
I don’t care how hard to look at the (real) person is, I don’t care if they sound like Janice Joplin, I will take that over the soulless AI read script any day. I did watch a few of these AI chans, as they had stuff I was interested in, but I just can’t anymore, tone matters. I want to giggle at the real person mispronouncing words, stumbling (very briefly) over words (editing is a thing). I hope it doesn’t get to the point I can no longer tell the difference, at that point I think I just quit the tubes
Remembers the chorus of - “TDS”
Never trust a man that eats secret messages.
Max? Oh, wrong clown.
Yes they are I had less issues installing then I did 15+ years ago. I’m just kicking myself for not going amd as they have good open drivers, I wish nvidia would do the same so some of the smart linux people could fix their drivers for us. The official drivers are the only ones I can use for the VR games tho, something to do with display priority and handling. Not as savvy as I once was
Sadly my VR library is missing 70 titles, but when I see the hardware poll thing come up i boot up my linux and run it. I keep hoping, and I feel this is no longer futile, that they will at least show up in my list and eventually work. Too bad I bought an RTX 4070ti super instead of an equivalent amd card, wasn’t thinking of dropping windows at the time 🤬
Yup, there definitely was. You could see it in the oh so unbiased BoTh SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE coverage from supposed left wing MSM, hint: there is no left MSM as there is no left in the States, it is either right of centre or full blown right wing anger politics with empty non answers.
If you don’t use your voice (vote), you get lost in the chorus
Naval gazing, believing what they were told?
Is any institution going to stand up to this buffoon?
No, highly doubtful. They are all scared of him. You could see it in the ““LeFt WiNg”” coverage of him vs anyone else in the last few years on the MSM. I am quite concerned for the independent media that is not scared of him.
I am ambivalent on this, I both am very concerned for the world order, while at the same time I cannot wait to see the fallout of this choice of the American people.
If “mainstream” media is ONLY getting 1-2 million views and “fringe” networks are getting 14 million doesn’t that make the fringe mainstream and mainstream fringe? A week or so ago Meidas touch (rank 2 on yt, up from 6th) beat out Fox (dropped to 4th from second)
Try to stop lying and sane washing, do actual news again maybe that would help.
Thank you