Not a news site, not the article, and it’s inviting you to download code from a Russian site. What could possibly go wrong?
Not a news site, not the article, and it’s inviting you to download code from a Russian site. What could possibly go wrong?
Is the right to state facts not a thing anymore? I thought speech was in the Constitution or something.
Why are people able to be socially compelled? Alas.
There’s an “agrihood” in Cumming, Iowa.
I would’ve bought something if something had caught my eye, but I just don’t need anything…
Social problems cannot be solved with technology
“Good fences make good neighbors.”
You go, dawg. Good for you!
Oxford chooses “brain rot”, a phrase referring to social media, therefore ensuring they trend on social media.
I wonder what they’ll do with the old ones? Government auction site maybe?
I suppose that is a possibility.
It reminds me of Jim Bell.
Prime rib is good! I’d do that.
I don’t know the reasoning either. It seems like petty spite.
To be clear, I never said “genocide”. I honestly don’t know that that word applies to this situation.
For evidence that what’s going on is not good, here’s one of the first hits I find on searching the internet. It mentions a tribunal in the UK, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International all reaching similar conclusions and I find no mention of Adrian Zenz in the article or on the tribunal’s web page nor any mention of population change.
No. I think America’s violence is a problem.
Then China must feel real threatened. According to this, it’s against the law in China to even say you don’t agree with the law.
“A citizen, when exercising the right of freedom of the press, shall abide by the Constitution and the law, and shall not oppose the basic principles established by the Constitution or damage the interests of the State, the society or the collective, or the lawful freedom and rights of other citizens.”
A million Uyghurs, whose only apparent crime is being Muslim, have been sent to labor camps and undergone forced sterilization.
Tiananmen Square started out as people peacefully protesting government corruption, and ended in the state murdering them.
With respect to free speech, there’s not even a comparison there with respect to America. It’s not “potato potato”.
They’re a bunch of fucking monkeys, jumping around like savages, scratching their armpits, and throwing shit at the walls. I don’t want to live in a world where people so entirely lack a moral compass that they can cheer on murder as an outlet for their anger.