I know, but I’d rather have somebody recommend me something they’ve probably used.
My friend has neural symptoms and gastrological symptoms, also they’re very tired, much more than before Covid.
The option is clear. Russia must get out of Ukraine and stop killing civilians.
Negotiated settlement? GTFO of Ukraine now - that’s the negotiated settlement. Russia doesn’t want it. Instead, they are murdeering Ukrainian civilians every day.
It sounds like you need more moderators. Think about it.
lol, for a good reason these borders will be destroyed soon. Every year brings us much closer to the mass migrations from countries too hot and too poor to live in. It’s funny people don’t realize this and they still believe in their mighty borders, so freaking privileged and supercilious.
If govts wanted to do anything good for the people, the should’ve invested humongous money in education and try to make people immune to disinformation and brainless far right movement. They haven’t done anything. Even if they tried now, it’s too late. It should be done years ago. But greedy politicians only wants money from their billionaire bribers.
What’s the number of its carbon footprint?
The Earth belongs to every being. No one is illegal anywhere here.
Antennapod for podcasts!
You made me curious, I’ll have to try it
Alone coffee is fantastic! Sometimes with something to read, sometimes kot.
Funny that I haven’t thought about cheatsheet, even though I use one for vim _’
FYI: Denmark doesn’t have minimum wage.
Guess what’s the difference between minimum salary of McDonalds worker in Denmark vs USA.
Keyword: labor union.
About China:
Die, Apple, please die.
YouTube through NewPipe, Tidal (it pays the most to the artists afaik), radio through RadioDroid, buy CDs or just download torrents.
I hope more will realize this.
Good question, everytime I use aeropress I think about plastic it’s made of.