Oh hey that’s awesome, maybe I’ll put my RX460 back into the jellyfin VM for transcoding. I need to migrate that box anyway.
Oh hey that’s awesome, maybe I’ll put my RX460 back into the jellyfin VM for transcoding. I need to migrate that box anyway.
This comment tought me more about PSUs and UPSs than my entire experience in IT in a very concise way. Good one.
I use yakuake (or guake if I still used gnome), I love having a consitent terminal slide down the screen every time I press a shortcut, especially if it’s supplememtary to what I’m doing in the graphical shell.
Which one? Internet is not held by one thing, it’s a network.
What’s just HHD then?
He heck is HHD+? Is this some new fangled storage tech I’m too SSD to understand?
all my homies, just as i do, hate caps
Oh but they crave escalation. Like any bully, they want the victim to respond violently, because that would justify their actions and let them respond in kind, saying they are just protecting their security.
Even those ship arrests are fodder for their internal propaganda - “They just started arresting innocent Chinese ships with russian crews! Barbarians AND Facists!”
It’s just one Ghostrunner 2, OP
Anybody who knows anything about LLMs is thoroughly surprised, I’m sure.
Want car? Here car. Why complicate thing?
All cars are other cars these days, it’s nearing car singularity. I drive a Toyota that looks like a Citroen and has an engine from the Opel.
There’s nothing to access from signal, the keys are local to each chat. WhatsApp another thing.
Meanwhile CIA is promoting Signal. USA should sort itself out.
I have it, it’s membrane. It’s pretty good for the price.
Yeah I see. I don’t know if I can help, as I’ve only used caddy outside of podman, as a separate machine, pointing back to my services.
Why, will they jump me from a bush?
Please confirm for me, the client traffic looks like proxy is the source on the containered services?
I haven’t had that issue with caddy before, but may be I’m using some particular config to make sure it always passes the client IP.
Some services also need a setting to “know” they are behind a proxy and should look for client address in the headers like x-forwarded-for.
The geopolitical “press alt+f4 for free cs money”