I probably just got lucky because I beat him first try. Just a completely different experience.
I probably just got lucky because I beat him first try. Just a completely different experience.
I actually like Automata’s prologue :D
Haven’t played Death Stranding myself but at least the paths are pretty short in Nier at least compared to how I imagine Death Stranding. That doesn’t make farming items more fun though.
I already did 3 fragile deliveries :D
The biggest “problem” is that you cannot tell beforehand if a quest will be good or not. The lighthouse lady and the old man’s dog quests had an amazing conclusion, so they were totally worth it, even though gameplay wise they were boring.
I think you definitely feel that Automata is an improvement on the OG Nier (assuming that OG Nier and the remake aren’t that different) in terms of quest design. That doesn’t make Replicant bad though.
Nier Replicant ver. whatever
Haven’t played the original, only Automata, and damn this game has a lot of fetch quests. Pretty rewarding from time to time, but the gameplay of the side quests is ass. I hope I don’t have to do much more fragile deliveries.
+1 for Cherrytree, I can even recommend it on Linux. The tree structure makes it so much better to sort things than OneNote with the limited depth.
Just use D and counter strafe with A (or vice versa).
It’s not that long ago that I played both KOTOR games for the first time and I have to agree that the game might not be that intuitive by today standards. But now after a lot of people played BG3 it might be not that hard anymore to figure this game out.
Today SD is actually cheaper per gb than Blu-ray.
Just checked Amazon prizes for the first best SD card and Bluray disc. This is a lie. Discs are still less than half the prize.
And you didn’t take into consideration that it’s much cheaper and faster to press the data onto the disc than writing on an SD card when you do that in great numbers.
I agree, but what are alternatives for people who want a written text?
When I’m on the balcony or visiting family for a weekend. Smartphone usually don’t come close to the quality of the games you can get on the Switch.
I think game and engine developers should do both. If it’s possible to improve efficiency and performance it should be done. But at the same time hardware is improving as well and that performance gain should be used.
I’m kinda worried a little bit about the recent development in hardware though. At the moment GPU power mostly increases with energy consumption and only a little with improved architecture. That was different some years ago. But in my eyes thats a problem the hardware manufactorera have, not the game developers.
The thought that today’s state of technology is enough and we should stop improving sounds pretty Amish to me.
Actually… no, you’re completely right. That’s why I just wrote “good audio quality”, whatever that means. I actually read in some of those “why are games so big today” posts that people suggested that game devs don’t compress their audio files enough. Some people don’t get that this would come at a cost.
The average gamer might play with pretty shitty headsets but I think developers should go a little bit further than that and also satisfy enthusiasts. Up to a certain degree of course. That’s why I think it’s completely reasonable to demand ultra wide support or the physics not breaking above 60 fps.
Yeah, people bitching like “nobody needs those big ass textures and high quality uncompressed audio.” Maybe you don’t need it, but high quality, textures are one of the easiest ways to improve graphic quality without putting that much load on the GPU. And I still rip my CDs as FLACs, so I want good audio quality in my games as well.
Bye, see ya in 2 weeks
I’m doing my part so they can get closer to their goal. By not being part of the audience.
Haven’t played BG3 myself that, but aren’t there classes missing?
Andor is also really independent from most other Star Wars media. It’s only really connected to the OT and Rogue One, but you can easily watch Andor first and the other films later.
No, no, you have to delete your git config. That’s part of the challenge.
I’m also back on 60 Hz on my 160 Hz monitor because of this challenge. So cute though.