That would take them recognizing her as a woman, which I hope they do but don’t think they will with their current base of support.
That would take them recognizing her as a woman, which I hope they do but don’t think they will with their current base of support.
I’m just kind of assuming he’s in mid- to late-stage Alzheimer’s and hopefully won’t last the year, probably getting “Amendment 25, sectional 5’d” by Vance at the earliest opportunity, and I don’t think Vance has enough political will behind him to be a dictator. At least that’s my hope, flimsy as it might be.
What do you mean? The sun gets chased away every night, though I think that gets outsourced to Sköll, a wolf.
Maintaining continuity of consciousness is the only thing that would make me feel comfortable with converting myself to a machine intelligence.
From memes cant, this translates to “always has been,” though case and tense may vary.
Actually, yes we can, and alarmingly easily at this point, even using his general speech patterns (disjointed as they might be). Though I can’t currently do it at my workstation.
Never dehumanize fascists or fascist-sympathizers (redundant but ok), it’s always important to remember that bad faith actors or their stooges are human and cannot be entirely eliminated from society, which is why people that fight for positive change have to set the rules such that bad faith actors’ actions are either quickly recognized and mitigated, or have society structured such that even those motivated solely by unempathetic selfishness can only achieve status by masking and contributing positively anyway.
Nah, you can enroll your own keys and set it up so you can be reasonably certain that your boot image hasn’t been altered, validating its integrity against the potential threat of bootkits. I do this with my Gentoo install.
Isn’t post-quantum cryptography already a thing? Probably not implemented in anything meaningful yet, but still.
I pity them all, including all the poor conservatives that’ve fallen for the rhetoric, though of course I still want them imprisoned for their crimes. There need to be systemic changes in education and mental health support to prevent the possibility of continued fascism, but the system is broadly self-reinforcing.
I’ve always wanted to try both of those.
Yep, I drink mead, i.e. honey wine. It’s really good, doesn’t give me as much of a headache as beer these days. Sometimes it’s too sweet, I haven’t found a good dry one around here though.
I played around with Gentoo a few years ago, got it working but then got annoyed with some binaries taking too long. Wanted to build a machine I couldn’t hack though, and now there’s a repo with precompiled bins if you ask portage nicely, so I figured I’d give it a shot again. Maybe it was the mead but I forgot to do that for gcc though. oops
What a coincidence, I’m drinking mead and installing Gentoo. Currently compiling gcc, always takes forever, maybe I should’ve gone with the recompiled binary for that one lol.
No ragrets.
I’d probably trust him more as an illithid.
37 is my favorite, because 3x7x37=777 (three sevens), and I think that’s neat.
I thought he was more of a revenant.
The views of the Jedi were written from one interpretation of Buddhism’s views on attachment, in that attachments inevitably lead to suffering. Though that’s probably more a mistranslation and I think it’s more “dependence” instead of attachment: it’s ok to have relationships and to love and care about other people, it’s just when your happiness or well-being is dependent on others or on some thing that suffering is the result. Though that’s just one view, and there are of course many, many interpretations.
The whole release was early access in my opinion, they just weren’t honest about it. Eventually it was a really good game, but even then it didn’t have everything they’d advertised.
Sure, but I don’t think increased deficit spending necessarily implies “financial collapse” as long as it’s reinvested in infrastructure/research projects or allows people the financial freedom to spend more, if anything it’d be the opposite. The thing really hastening a collapse would be pooling all the money in very few places where it doesn’t get spent. You know, like some sort of oligarchical wealth transfer.
My thought was that Geralt and Ciri’s stories were over or decided, and I’m disappointed they didn’t find a way to do a Witcher story either in the future or past that enabled you to pick your own gender, appearance, Witcher school, or whatever else, maybe with creative use of the trial of the grasses or something.
I’ll happily play as Ciri to revisit the universe and maybe some familiar characters, but I just wish they’d done something newer or more original.