I don think you’d have to become part of Canada to join the Commonwealth so maybe there’s a chance?
I don think you’d have to become part of Canada to join the Commonwealth so maybe there’s a chance?
You sound (mostly) libertarian.
Thanks for the explanation though.
It’s shocking to me that so called respectable journalists can work for major news outlets and not know that they serve the interests of capital.
This is stuff taught in university for anyone that pays attention to the likes of Chomsky.
This person was wilfully ignorant and shouldn’t be celebrated for doing the bare minimum; not being a mouthpiece for vested interests.
Not sure I agree as it seems like black and white thinking.
I.e. I could imagine a scenario where someone is very obviously/admits to using neopronouns disingenuously and that would break my social contract with them to honour it.
If I make an assessment of neopronoun usage on a case by case basis I can still avoid witch hunts. It’s similar to how I determine in real life if someone is an asshole or not.
Another way; I can support a person who I genuinely believe uses neopronouns while denouncing and excluding someone who doesn’t.
My preference is for completely community moderated platform.
People essentially vote for content moderation. Likely susceptible to gamification but I’m still interested in seeing it in practice.
Is it still invalidating when someone using neopronouns is doing so disingenuously?
Mods will always be a problem.
I’ve yet to encounter a well adjusted human who voluntarily mods.
This sounds like some kind of an enlightened centrist take.
Educate me though, can you briefly describe your political philosophy?
Conservatives can quite frankly go somewhere else.
Their policies are terrible and the only redeeming qualities of most countries we live in are socialist.
Lemmy should reflect the actual political spectrum which is (IMO) Social Democrats on the far right and Tankies on the far left.
Well don’t leave us hanging, what was the headset?
And what exactly have leftists become and what do they hate?
I like Billy Crystal.
But he will be fine.
This isn’t really a tragedy worthy of sympathy.
This was pretty much what set me on the path to radicalisation.
The system felt so unfair and then to learn that there were people who could do exactly this just because they were born into a family with large capital it was infuriating.
For one brief moment, at least we got Skyrim (even though it was a buggy mess on release)
Every fucking time I want to leave some other neighbour comes out first and I have to wait for them to clear out before I can leave.
And they are so slow! Clear the public area swiftly you inconsiderate buffoons!
What’s next for that absolute cesspool?
Looking forward to the next pandemic where vaccines aren’t even developed because the Facebook rabble demands politicians provide us all with crystals and horoscopes instead.
It’s the font for the hip and cool youth don’t you know 😎
Don’t you fucking ruin Mother’s Day again.
Fuck Jimmy Fallon.
Johnny Carson is rolling in his grave because that hack is hosting the Tonight Show.
Mark Zuckerberg is a whiny piss baby.