he literally tried it once already, we don’t really need to speculate if he’d go for it
he literally tried it once already, we don’t really need to speculate if he’d go for it
I feel like ATC is one of those pattern-recognition constraint-satisfaction problem jobs where a (non-generative!) algorithm can probably do a pretty good job.
Even effects-forward pieces like Jurassic Park still hold up because everyone on the island is a memorable character and the plot is exciting! Though it’s true that the constraints on effects might have caused that - the dinosaurs in that movie only had about 15 minutes of total screen-time, so they had to actually, y’know, write.
Even though my vaxxes are up to date, I caught the new variant recently. It was pretty nasty - a lot like strep throat.
She’s literally already on the ticket as his replacement in case he has a medical issue
Reminder that even though All Cops Are Bastards, the chief executive oversees the executive branch and so every president is a cop regardless.
I have a VPN, so this could definitely work.
Given the history of the series, I find this to be pretty endearing. I have fond memories of playing the multi-disc Baldurs Gate 1 on PC as a child. It’s kinda fun to see that today’s gamers will have a similar experience with the same series nearly 30 years later.
The Gameboy Advance startup sound never fails to activate my neurons either.
Note takers, I guess…
Well, then it can run DOOM. I’m sold.
Less-corporate, creator-owned networks like Nebula and Dropout might be a potential route to a more sustainable and less centralized online video ecosystem.
It’s still true that a deflationary economy would be a mess though. If we had deflation, the rich wouldn’t even bother investing and would literally just sit on a pile of gold like Smaug. I know trickle-down doesn’t work but an economy where nothing circulates would be hellish.
Isn’t this just World of Warcraft? It’s practically a co-op ARPG at this point.
Miserable game design for something that is trying to get players to come back every few months for content releases. “You can’t play the new hero until you grind for it until you burn out or pay” is just not a compelling pitch to get people to resume playing your game.
It’s only going to get worse over time as the proportion of premium characters grows… 😐
Great idea! I subscribed.
This YouTube creator has published several quality videos what’s going on in Wizard Games lately, which is a quick way to catch up on the genre: https://youtu.be/quPKQIVEX5A
Yep! It’s free real estate.
Thanks for sharing this post! Doctorow has a lot of useful things to say about the current moment we find ourselves in with the Fediverse.
Let’s see him get sworn in in jail and have to pardon himself.