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i bet there’s a lot of people are regretting deleting their reddit accounts lmfao
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I think it’s hilarious that Reddit protesters were redirected to NSFW content, karma is coming around lmfao
how ironic, someone hijacked the site and linked NSFW content
and y’all are upset lmfaooo, I have a huge justice boner
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small sub for small people i guess lmfao
dozens??? lmfao what a joke
i just patched it using the guide on r/boostforreddit and it works again
imagine thinking deleting all your posts will affect anybody else but you lmfao
the delivery guy thinks he’s entitled to a better tip the same way api protesters think they are entitled to having reddit bend to their will
how down bad do you have to be to jerk off mobiley? humanity is doomed
protesters are revealing themselves as the feces-smearing toddles that they are, this is so embarrassing for humankind
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