Is this the case? I don’t feel like I’ve ever had to install Perl but I’ve had to install Python plenty of times and I use both pretty frequently on a daily basis. Not to mention a newer version, older version, 2.7.4 instead of 2.7.3.
Is this the case? I don’t feel like I’ve ever had to install Perl but I’ve had to install Python plenty of times and I use both pretty frequently on a daily basis. Not to mention a newer version, older version, 2.7.4 instead of 2.7.3.
I used to love these. I always wanted to be the last one running. One year another kid and I ran so long the bell rang so we ran some more and got to skip the next period all together.
Commenting to check back later.
I also do not have an answer but want to know.
I have used Flex launcher on a mini PC, it seemed like a good option but I got busy before I could even half set it up.
Yeah, I get the sentiment that you can’t avoid bugs and I think to an extent they are inevitable at a certain point. But something like this is just negligence.
My company isn’t medical or anything life threatening if something goes wrong, but a bug could cost someone a nice heap of money, in turn costing us a nice heap of money. So we have a rule to treat and test our software as if it were used in the medical industry. Although it seems like we should be aiming for a higher standard at this point.
You could always just boot up a windows VM and set up a shared folder to code on Linux/test on windows if your application has issues running on Linux.
If you don’t mind me asking what do you do? I’m always curious since truthfully the $200k/y fang jobs sometime make me think I’m the odd one out who’s not gonna retire by 40. And as primarily a perl developer on a team of 2 I feel like were in our own world most of the time.
When my title changed from web developer to software developer I got a 60% pay increase, but my job hardly changed in reality. I still only make just enough to do doordash on the side as an extra safety net and not as a necessity to afford food.
But when anyone asks what I do for work and I tell them, they immediately assume we’re absolutely loaded and I’m picking up the check everywhere we go.
I don’t see how this could be legal at all and how any of those terms could be applicable. My 2 year old found the remote today and he loves buttons, so naturally he pushed every button on there. I thought nothing of it but saw something pop up and then disappear, I assumed it was an error or something from the button mashing, but I guess my 2 year old agreed to rokus new TOS.
I may get a lot of hate for this, and I wouldn’t say it was a huge disappointment because I actually really liked most of the movies but, Star Wars.
I thought they were great moviees, but when watching them after years of everyone telling me to and all the hype I was kind of disappointed even though I enjoyed watching them all. For me they just didn’t live up to the hype I guess.
People genuinely don’t understand this and it’s scary.
I feel like I’m going crazy explaining what a tariff is to people over and over who have never heard the word before but are praising it as a way to make everything cheaper and boost our economy