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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • My friend’s brother just died of heroin overdose a few weeks ago and I just couldn’t help but feel for him. How many dark alleys did he have to go to to get his high? How many sketchy people were involved? Did he have access to clean needles? He overdosed alone, and likely felt subhuman due to being relegated to the fringes of society just to get his high.

    Legalization would not have kept him from getting high, but it certainly would have enabled him access to clean drugs from a safe place, clean needles, and possibly made him viewed as someone who enjoyed getting high and not a piece of shit addict. He had a problem and it being illegal only made it worse for him.

    Legalize it all. He was an adult, it’s his body. He can do what he wants with it, it’s nobody’s place to tell anyone what you can or cannot consume. He loved getting high on heroin and I don’t see a problem with that.

  • Been hard-lurking (no account) here for a few weeks, made an account finally and this is my first comment. I was a hard lurker on Reddit too, but that was because most of the interactions I’ve had were… bad.

    Definitely seems to be a gentler place, really enjoying the Summit app, it reminds me of Boost. I’ve got an unRAID server I was thinking about spinning up a Lemmy docker container on, but there’s not a ton of info on this specific implementation, so I will likely wait for an unRAID community app to do that more easily.

    Anyway, cheers from an ex-lurker!