The Dutch brought Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas) to New Amsterdam, current day NYC, which has developed into Santa Claus as we know it know. Santa Claus is a phonetic derivation of Sinterklaas.
Apparently he was depicted as a thick-bellied Dutch sailor with a pipe and a green outfit in Washington Irving’s History of New York book, so maybe that’s where you got that idea from.
Some features/plugins can be quite taxing on the system and in extreme cases it can slow the editor down to the point of being unusable. I’m a happy Neovim user with a LazyVim setup, but I experience this extreme slowdown for some JSON files and I haven’t looked into it yet to see what causes it.
You can let your editor do the same compute intensive or memory hogging things that a GUI editor does. The fact that it runs in your terminal doesn’t make it lightweight by definition.