Why not just say almost 4 years?
Why not just say almost 4 years?
I love both, and used to consider myself a major film buff. Now I have a young daughter and the only time I can watch what I want is usually when she’s asleep. So now it’s mostly tv shows, but I do still try to go see movies or watch movies at home from time to time. The kid is also getting old enough to start watching movies (sort of anyways) so I do enjoy showing her movies that were a big part of my own childhood.
In no particular order:
Super Smash Bros.
FIFA World Cup’98
Pokémon red/blue
LoZ: Links’s Awakening
My dad once told me that if my relationship with god was good, my grades would take care of themselves. I know what he meant was, “if you do the things god wants you to do, you’ll also be doing well in school”, but it’s still horrible advice.
More recently, my mother-in-law has been saying to my wife that she wishes that my wife could have faith in god’s plan because it just helps her in own life so much. I always roll my eyes at this. If there is a god, and he has a plan, his plan sucks ass and he plays favorites for sure.
If I do a Google search and a Reddit thread comes up with relevant info or discussion, I’ll check it out but I have completely stopped browsing and interacting with it.
Buy off all the politicians and have them implement policies that will benefit the working class. Invest heavily in renewable energy sources and public transportation. Buy all the comic books.
Yeah, he’s playing as Anakin.
Still playing TOTK. Still have plenty to do.
Wii sports and wii fit sold a lot of units. My mom bought a wii fit to use with my Wii and she never games. Like ever. She was one of those moms that called other game systems “Nintendo”.