I think it’s even more amusing it’s a Catholic university’s name, unless that’s well known, I didn’t know before the article.
I think it’s even more amusing it’s a Catholic university’s name, unless that’s well known, I didn’t know before the article.
I bet the huddle sections would … have more code and or animations than most football games.
I could feel my dread go as I heard that lines over the years, as a young teen? Of course we will we always have, we endure. As a middle aged adult? I’m not so sure we aren’t going to shove ourselves back to the cave man era and not enough people will listen to anyone with survival knowledge for the species to survive.
Then I think about how many species that must have and will happen to in this vast universe, so we’ll probably be an average result heh in the grand scheme of things that is.
Yup he’ll take every penny he can manage regardless of what happens. I’d say just like last time but I imagine he’ll do much worse in his next term.
Yeah like you couldn’t botch a worldwide pandemic worse than he did but enough Americans seemed to think he deserved another term. I only hope one of the other random viruses don’t get out of control again…cause that’s what stops them, hope right?
Not who you asked but I hook up mine to a PC meant for streaming, there’s no need for it to be smart with either browser or applications that stream the content. Unless I’m missing something.
It’s not a need as much as a preference to not want every device need a connection if you have other means to handle the tasks. Also less bandwidth used since they don’t send back random data to headquarters, not that I imagine it’s a lot.
Often I really do while playing games. Sometimes I love a good intricate or full of social commentary games, other times I just want to move my mouse and watch things die when I press a button. Though it has to look pretty at the very least if it’s the latter type.
I haven’t bought a PC gamefrom them in years, though I still occasionally buy their RPG book bundles.
Maybe if we push out that cars produce chem trails they’ll drive less. Oh technically breathing does too… won’t want to do much of that if you’re against them.
Hah the team behind the guy running who says he’s a billionaire, backed by the other billionaire, is complaining that Democrats have all the money in the race. Like are you wealthy or not? (I’m pretty sure that’s obvious at this point) Is there a personal limit a person can spend on their own campaign? If so I take back half the laughs till later.
Every accusation… etc etc. I’m sure the being that pretends to be a human as Cruz is just melding into the Republican patterns.
If you can’t beat 'em, swallow them.
Maybe he shouldn’t have raged so much to wear them out faster. Being calm all the time (from his theory) could’ve easily extended his life a decade or two. Mean it’s probably not a lot of energy at a time but he’s always raging at something it must be draining.
Trump has said he’s never had anything to ask God for forgiveness about (something very similar if not that), he pushed his lies with a hurricane and drew a sharpie on a map to show he was correct (he wasn’t) and I’m pretty sure that’s all it took to get him on board to dissolve that federal service.
Just recently he was given an award in Michigan where he previously claimed he was awarded Michigan man of the year, I’m sure his narcissism was behind that so he can say he won an award from there.
While president there was a press event at four seasons total landscaping because Trump said there was a press conference at the’ four seasons’ (during the pandemic of all times).
How anyone can think someone who can’t admit any fault is a leader is beyond me. Sure he tells people it’s okay to be a racist asshole but do you want to march into Marianas Trench because he thought that’s where the front line is?
They were probably spread it on right wing sites to reinforce to those voters they shouldn’t vote for the Dems, just in case they were thinking ‘maybe I shouldn’t vote for the asshole that acts like a toddler and fucked up a pandemic response when there was a good plan?’ Nope next vp has abuse claims so you can’t vote for them, and they are all happy with being angry anyways so it’s a win.
Ugh I hate how much it seems plausible, it’s like a badly written movie plot that no one would think could happen if it was the 90s, even early 00s.
Wasn’t the electoral college and impeachment bits supposed to be safeguard from people like Trump? I’m actually curious because I’m not American but so many things I’ve read said those were supposed to help that sort of thing. Not that it’s helped.
I thought another big thing they didn’t count on was so many members of Congress following that sort person.
Also yes I agree they didn’t think of the possibility of someone being able to ignore laws because that’d be absurd not to put someone on trial speedily regardless of the position they held.
I bet if you scoured his printed quotes by day you could find something that’d have disqualified anyone else for each day. Yet some people actually believe the shit that comes out of his upper anus.
Guessing this was before Trump lied about FEMA assistance so Trump barked out some orders to deny more for now so he can be right. Politically I can see how it’d hurt Democrats, so maybe not Trump’s idea,which is even worse because in the end it’ll be the residents who have to deal with it. It’d be nice if people were taught to vote with empathy as well as in their own best interests beyond their bank account.
I’d hazard a guess he always uses the royal we, I haven’t analyzed it in depth but he really can’t think outside himself. No imagination what so ever,all his attacks are just whatever he does or thought of (well maybe some aides helped). I imagine if I knew more about narcissism it’d tie in there but I have zero studying to comment on that.
If he wasn’t such an asshole with zero self awareness, it’d be enough to pity him, but he is so fuck Trump.
For more evidence of the royal we just look at when he was president and insert Trump anytime he says the United States. Not directed at who I replied to but to other readers.
Plus NK can send them back to Russia to be deployed again and charge more for an experienced soldier.