There can’t be a comma missing from a motto which is itself entirely missing. They threw it in a ditch a few years ago. (I’ll be honest, I thought it had to have been at least 10 years at this point, but Wikipedia says otherwise.)
Some middle-aged guy on the Internet. Seen a lot of it, occasionally regurgitating it, trying to be amusing and informative.
Lurked Digg until v4. Commented on Reddit (same username) until it went full Musk.
Was on (dying/dead) and (mysteriously vanished). Now here on
Really hoping he hasn’t brought the jinx with him.
Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish
There can’t be a comma missing from a motto which is itself entirely missing. They threw it in a ditch a few years ago. (I’ll be honest, I thought it had to have been at least 10 years at this point, but Wikipedia says otherwise.)
The example picture at the top of the article is weird.
The window title reads “nano” but the software running in the window is Pico, Nano’s now deprecated (and strangely-licenced) spiritual parent. Or it’s Nano hacked to have a Pico header which, while somewhat fitting with the theme, that would be even more weird.
As best as I can tell, the 22nd amendment talks about how no-one can serve more than two terms. It does not, however, give a limit on how long a second term can be.
As such he wouldn’t need to touch that particular amendment to retain power, and so I can’t accept the bet.
It took a minute to find the right place, but the four-year maximum term length is actually set in Article II section 1 of the Constitution proper.
And now bear in mind that Donnie is quoted as being in favour of “termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.” should the circumstances require it.
He’s going to try it. And since he’s immune from prosecution, what’s going to be done about it if he doesn’t leave?
If he’s still alive in 2029, there’s a good chance he’ll still be President then. And I mean after January.
The rules that say he can’t will all be thrown out over the next four years.
Remember in 2017 when he called Xi “king” of China? Xi apparently liked that. It doesn’t matter whether Donnie only thought Xi liked it or if he actually liked it, it showed what’s been going on in Donnie’s head.
He wants to be king, and kings only step aside when they die.
I say all this in the hope that I’m wrong. But I think the US will have more than an election to contest in four years’ time.
The great part is, you don’t even have to have read a blog! Even merely having learned to speak is sufficient!
And maybe not even that! Wild howling! Guttural noises! Ooga-booga! Ugg! Waaga! Eeegh-eeegh-eEeEe!
… I fear I may be too good at this.
These two remind me of AJ and Miranda from the now defunct User Friendly webcomic. On the plus side, it would mean that AJ got his act together enough to be in a relationship with Miranda, but either she’s found a new favourite restaurant all of a sudden or he’s goofed something up and this is a subtle way of messing with him as revenge.
Spies working for a country do not have to look like the stereotypical person from that country. The spy could even be “on loan” from some other country friendly to SK.
If I was Finland, I would continue as if Russia had changed nothing at that camp, however reassuring the changes there might appear to be.
Even if it’s “only” a training camp now and not a fully operational military installation, I’d still not let my guard down just in case the Russians decide to take a “special training exercise” over the Finnish border. That is the sort of thing they like to do, after all.
I think they copy-pasted the night sky. Either that or their star placement recreation is superb.
I remember this being panel two in a Dilbert strip (from back in the days when Adams did a great job of presenting as sane.)
Unfortunately, stupid people also think themselves geniuses forced to suffer fools.
So it turns out that the word centibillonaire existed before this comic and refers to having 100 billion to 999 billion currency, despite the fact that the prefix centi- means a hundredth not a hundred times.
By rights a centibillionaire should have between 10 million and 999 million currency, i.e. less than a billion.
Frickin’ rich people ruining terminology. I’m still convinced that one of the reasons the US came up with the short scale system of numbering was so that a billion dollars was a somewhat achievable goal.
“Thousand-millionaire” doesn’t have the same ring to it, after all, and “milliardaire” sounds like “millionaire” said by someone with a cold.
One take I saw on it was that he has no case because the local authority were not responsible for the harm caused to him, such as it is.
Sure, he feels aggrieved because of the local authority’s refusal to accede to his demands to search the landfill, but that’s secondary. Had he never pursued it they would not have had to say no.
In his shoes, I’d be sick to my stomach every single day, but I might have given up sooner nonetheless. I’m pretty sure that due to sheer bloodymindedness he’s now in deep with various financial backers who were hoping for a return when he succeeded… and now he owes them money.
Basically, if this doesn’t stop him, I’m not sure he’ll ever stop trying.
“Oh, but officer, I was only pretending to be a criminal when I robbed that store, so it doesn’t count.”
TL;DR Only if you misunderstand the intent of the word “delete”.
In the sense of getting rid of the sites themselves, sure, that’ll never happen.
And in the sense that once you’re known to them you’ll never be forgotten, at least not without a massive lawsuit that you’ve little chance of winning, yes.
But you can ask Meta to delete your account(s) and everything visibly associated with you to the point that you no longer have a presence on any of their sites, and that’s what this article is about.
One of the reasons Meta has been creating fake AI-based accounts is because so many people are doing this and they don’t like it and want to make it look like their site is still active. Which is an excellent reason to delete your accounts, even if they weren’t also doing a bunch of other heinous things.
And you can delete the apps from your phone. You should delete your accounts first though.
Thus proving that Tencent is either stupid or is insulting our intelligence.
You’re overreacting too far the other way. Sure they’re not saying he was a duck, they’re saying he was a goose, but for many practical purposes, those two things are the same.
Furthermore, they said what they said in the way that they said it to foment precisely this sort of confusion (or because they’re equally confused. Take your pick.). Did they go on to explicitly say “not an actual communist, but a bit like one”?
The blog writer got his account on SO restricted.
As I said elsewhere earlier today, the admins and mods there do not like to be told they are wrong and will shut things down fast if it starts looking like they’ve made a mistake.
Here the mistake appears to be treating Mangione’s account differently to those of other alleged and actual felons, but secondarily, taking retribution against anyone having the absolute audacity to point that out.
We should all be praising the Emperor’s new clothes and none of that truth stuff.
She probably figures that what they’re doing isn’t as bad - as terrible as it is - as whatever their retribution would be if she did that.
What she needs to do is cook them all a nice meal with no poison in it whatsoever.
Reminds me of a certain dirty joke. contains one telling of it, but it’s far older than any attribution given there.