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Cake day: September 1st, 2023

  • Can make for some epic moments depending on the party and setting and fight etc. My character in the first stage of the final fight of the campaign got power word killed after getting the BBEGs lair action enabling staff away from him, because taking the staff hurt him enough to put him under 100. Incredible narrative moment, didn’t expect the disarm to work and he passed it off with his dying breath. Got revived in a later stage once reinforcements started showing up

  • Keeping your toys clean isn’t too hard if they’re made of proper materials! Hot water and soap will work fine. If you ever find any of them developing a persistent smell, boil them or run them through the dish washer. It’s never been something I’ve HAD to do, but I run stuff through the dish washer every few months. For storage, a cloth bag works best. An old pillowcase will work fine. Make sure if you have any toys made from questionable materials, you keep them away from your proper silicone toys. Vinyl and the softener additive for it will melt and break down silicone. Shouldn’t be a problem, because you should never use a tpu, tpe, or PVC toy anally anyways.

  • Sorry, been having a terrible time and this got forgotten. So, enemas! There’s a lot of info out there about how to do it right and honestly I don’t think much of it is all too helpful. Quick anatomy refresher, after your anus you have the rectum, which is divided in two by a muscle called the inner band, which technically isn’t a sphincter but is in practicality. After the rectum, you have your sigmoid sphincter that separates your rectum from your large intestine. Your large intestine goes up, across your abdomen, and down on the other side.

    What does this mean for cleaning out? Basically, it depends on what you want to do. If you want to have a quick session with a small toy, you don’t want to use a lot of water all at once. The deeper the water goes, the more difficult it is to get back out. You can learn to manually relax your inner band to let water back out of the top part of your rectum without too much trouble, but that’s not really something you can do with your sigmoid. If you want to have a longer session and guarantee you won’t get interrupted, or if you want to use a long toy that might enter your sigmoid or go deep enough to stimulate stuff into moving, doing some more and washing out your descending colon is a good idea. If you want to be clean all day, you can do a really deep wash, essentially filling up your entire large intestine. This is generally a bit uncomfortable and particularly time intensive and generally overkill.

    “Wow, this sure sounds like a lot of work!”, you might be thinking. It can be. However, if you have a good diet/take fiber supplements, you might be able to skip it most of the time. High fiber basically makes your waste stick together much better, so you don’t need to worry about washing out, just making there’s nothing actively in the way. It also makes it much easier to deal with if there is, cause it doesn’t stick to everything. If you’re fucking actual people instead of toys, shit and go is really probably all you need, as long as your diet isn’t too bad.

    Ok, so I’ve talked a lot about it without actually saying anything about how to do it. I will say ahead of time, if you’re not squeamish about poop, it does make it easier. Generally, you’re going to be filling up with however much water feels right for how deep you want to clean, and then letting it go in the toilet, several times. There’s all sorts of advice out there for how to let go of the water and how you know you got it all out, but really, it’s just something you figure out from practice and learning how your body feels and learn how moving different muscles affects you. There’s two main tools for cleaning out I recommend, there’s a classic enema bulb, which you fill with water, screw a nozzle onto, and squeeze it to release it. There are also shower hookup systems, where you basically add a hose with a nozzle between your shower head and the pipe. They have valves, so you don’t need to worry about installing it repeatedly. I highly recommend the latter, it really does make it much easier, and I like being able to do the whole thing in the shower. Personally, I empty into a dedicated collander I keep in the shower, and then dump it into a plastic bag which I toss. If you’re ok with waffle stomping, that’s an option, I just don’t care for it personally. Doing it in the shower like that makes it easier for me, but it really depends on how ok you are with poop. Not being squeamish also makes it easier to check if your rectum is clean, you can just reach some fingers in there and check. I recommend weighing yourself before and after, as that’s a good indicator you’ve gotten all the water back out.

    Bulb’s definitely better for discreteness, as it’s hideable and a shower hookup isn’t, not easily at least.

    For routines in general, if you have a prostate, I recommend not masturbating for a while before your session. You’ll get more pleasure out of a prostate that hasn’t been, uh, used recently. The longer your session goes, the better it gets, and if you cum from penis stimulation, it’ll kind of kill the session. So, resist the temptation and just keep going! If you have a hard time with that, I found chastity cages make a pretty good solution to that. The afterglow from a good session is really nice, it makes me giggly and snuggly. The come down can be kinda rough, so just be prepared for a bit of a crash if it was really good.

    Ok, I think I’ve rambled enough, I hope this helps, and if you have any more questions don’t be afraid to ask!

  • I don’t think the government should be able to execute them. However, I am human, they’re mass murders, and it’s a situation I have no control over, so I’m not going to feel bad about not feeling bad that they’re still on death row. I don’t get to choose how I feel, just how I act. If it were me making the decision, I’d like to think I’d have commuted their sentences as well, even though I probably would have felt bad about doing so.

    Although also, thinking about your comment more, I guess I don’t really care about sanctity of life or anything like that. It’s more of a power problem for me. Some people deserve to be killed, however nobody should be making that judgement and following through, because it’s not something that can be accurately judged. No one should have that power, especially the people in charge. When someone dies who I feel deserves it, it not going to upset me. Would I have killed them? No. Would I have prevented their death if I could? Honestly, questionable, depending on the person and situation. Is that hypocritical? I don’t know, maybe. There might not be an effective difference, killing through inaction vs killing through action, but there feels like a difference to me. Life isn’t black and white, I’m driven by a malfunctioning blob of meat, and I do the best I can. I take great comfort in the fact I’m never going to have to make that choice. I hope this gives you some insight into how I view things.