That’s too bad, that is the main thing I feel kbin could use is a good app. The web app seems a bit hit or miss.
Software Engineer from Tennessee. Been #Coding for over a decade, primarily in the .Net world, but also some Flutter and Ruby. I enjoy #gaming, #SteamDeck, #Disney, #StarWars, and #StarTrek.
Secondary Mastadon Account:
That’s too bad, that is the main thing I feel kbin could use is a good app. The web app seems a bit hit or miss.
I have zero interest in going back beyond possible a big meeting type thing or something. Open office plans are one of my personal hellscapes. I can’t hardly focus on what I’m doing for all the movement and noise. I do get it for certain types of jobs but I’m a dev and can collab online with less distractions and get my stuff done. My stress level is less and my boss is still happy.
@realcaseyrollins And we are free to say no thanks and leave.
@fne8w2ah. When I was a kid, toys, whatnots, etc could be taken by the teacher to be returned when they saw fit or off to the office and whenever the principal decided. I’d assume the same rules would apply to a smartphone.
@Kovu. Your average person will go oooh Instagram, I know them. Sign me up for the new app! Privacy, security, etc never even were involved. Of course that also assumes Meta didn’t just “create” one for each IG user (no clue what the usercount is).
@Arotrios Why would I want an inferior version of mastadon? But seriously I will likely only end up with one if they auto generate it. (a few family use ig and fb as their only communication so it’s checked occasionally via web with adblockers etc…ugh).
@holo_nexus as of 5 minutes ago it still prompts login and canceling takes you to the login page. Clicked an article link and got shot over there so I looked. maybe it’s being rolled out in stages. But screw them only person I still liked to keep up with over there was Mark Hamill.
Used it multiple times in laptop and iPhone and it works great. Thank!
@LollerCorleone will do thanks! Updated them in my browsers. Will let you know.
@LollerCorleone I hope so too. I don’t wanna lose the wealth of knowledge and tips but I also don’t want to give Reddit themselves the time of day.
Side note: I added UserScipt extension on Safari on my Mac and IOS and copied the script in on it’s editer and it works there too. iOS does have a slight delay at the moment before it goes landing on what looks like a Reddit error page. I’m thinking it’s where it is attempting to hit the script as it first loads to promote their app. Still works so woot!
@LemmyStartNow I loaded violentmonkey edge addon and copy pasted the script in the add (teddit version) and it works. There is a bit a delay as it redirects. But I’ll take the delay over using "dead"it. now just to figure how to automate it from ios safari…
@Greenpepper. This is what happens when you cut most of the supporting work force, scrap a chunk of infrastructure, tend to not pay bills, and just toss crap at the wall to see what sticks and hopefully doesn’t break things.
@vaguerant Yeah if you believe in an afterlife, another plane of existence…that’s when he’d put 2+2=4. Most likely he didn’t even have time register it
@aranym Can we get this globally?? Then perhaps more people would get their news from actual sources and not blindly trust a random link on a social platform.
@Haan. I imagine if they’d said we’re phasing out xyz from the api or 3rd party support over say the next year or so, it would likely had a bit less of an uproar. Especially if they addressed the tools for the mods in that timeframe and accessibility. There still would have been a notable backlash though. Their own app has not been historically that great and their mobile web is irritating in its “use the app” pushiness.
@rangerzenith. I have it on an external drive for a secondary boot…which I’ve not touched in forever.
@nave @Cheesus
probably because the relay is running off a mac or mac vm.