The Vatican had a history of literally being a nation state long before Mussolini.
The Vatican had a history of literally being a nation state long before Mussolini.
This is what pisses me off about “moderates”. All they give a damn about is optics and winning the next election. The rest of us understand that the only power we have is our vote, and if we don’t use that power to its full extent, which means threatening to withhold it, we’ll never get any concession from any politician.
The rest of you are quite literally shills who simply don’t give a shit about what’s happening in Palestine. You just do what you’re told to and act like that makes you a good person. You weren’t even willing to do the bare minimum of using your voice, because you dummy actually care.
Hamas wouldn’t shoot the food aid down though. That’s just a stupid waste of ammo. If anything they’d seize it for themselves instead.
That person wasn’t saying anything of substance, they were being flippant. It’s crazy how defensive people get. We can easily feed both groups of people, but we choose not to. That’s the truth.
Lmao says some fascist who cares about Palestinians soooo much you won’t even criticize Biden. You’re a fucking coward.
“Throwing your vote away” isn’t a vote for Trump, it’s equivalent to not voting at all, which is exactly what I fucking said. I don’t even know what the point of your comment is. Just arguing with me because you’re butthurt that I criticized your boy?
It has uses but every company in the industry is trying to shoehorn it into their products whether it makes any sense or not.
No it isn’t, no matter how much you lie about it, the math doesn’t support you in the slightest. A third party vote is equivalent to not voting at all, which is not voting for Trump. Fucking arrogant liar.
This guy isn’t a trump supporter and the fact that you’d blatantly lie about it says a lot about how twisted you are. Straight up trump style ad hominem gaslighting tactic.
Instead of engaging critics, you Biden cultists just gang up on and bully anyone who criticizes your shitty candidates.
The more I see comments like yours, the more I think about sitting this one out and watching you evil motherfuckers cry in November. It’s so pathetic how you’d rather attack people than own Biden’s foreign policy decisions. And you act like you’re sooo much better than the GOP while you pull the same exact shitty tactics they use.
BoTh SiDeS give me a fucking break
It increases political pressure on Israel, which does matter. What did vetoing it achieve?
The vast majority of boot camp grads are terrible candidates. A degree guarantees almost nothing but a boot camp cert guarantees even less.
How is being able to detect malware faster useless?
The title and subtitle are misleading. Their profits went up over the last year, just not as much as a bunch of fucking investors wanted them to. The title makes it sound like they’re actually struggling when they’re not
Fuck wall street. Profits are once again up, but it’s just not enough for these greedy fucking investors. These people are out of control… It’s only a matter of time before non-tech companies start getting impacted.
What’s the cube?
No one can become a skilled ML/AI dev overnight. That will still take a year or two or more of working with it daily. If you transition to a new field you basically become a junior dev all over again for a while. Domain knowledge is a big part of being a good programmer.
If it is 12%, that’s still much higher than the internet as a whole which is only 2-3%
A car sitting outside all the time will absolutely wear much faster than one that’s in a garage. I mean people can do what they want, I don’t care, but it’s not just a cosmetic thing to keep your car indoors when you’re not using it.
All of these people can get fucked. They’re knowingly stealing land from someone else, then pretending to be the victims when there are consequences for that. I don’t feel a single shred of pity for them.