mention of crypto would trigger some random moron to embarrass himself
the self fulfilling prophecy.
mention of crypto would trigger some random moron to embarrass himself
the self fulfilling prophecy.
this comment could have been written in 2005 and still have been true.
I had the same experience and was also curious how the rest of the game holds up. I had big issues with 15 due to repeatable side quests (I like to clear all sides quests before moving on to the next area) so I was super overleveled the entire game.
whatever or whoever they land on the sun will no longer be in any system, so maybe this is the first step?
is sierra mist ok?
more oil for the oil god. more coal for the coal throne.
tHeN dO nOt UsE tHiEr SeRvIcEs
why? you don’t consider short term profit gain the most important aspect of our society?
yes officer, this comment right here.
1:1 I’d say.
not only that but the wording implies they’re native to China.
when Russia becomes the third world nation in a proxy war.
oh him and his buddies will still enjoy blocking undesirables. this whole stunt is just so everyone has to read every stupid thought that comes out of his stupid mouth.
like a two tier justice system? but that would be unfair!
if it were considered medicine, it would just be called medicine.
lol they’re cartoonishly evil
I’ll chime in and say all three of you are wrong and I refuse to elaborate further.
photosynthesis intensifies
I have to assume somebody’s done a cost analysis on rto and determined that keeping their boots on our necks is more profitable in the long run than employees being happier and more productive.