And because the light gets passed through a pinhole (the pupil) before hitting the back of our eyes, we actually see everything upside-down
And because the light gets passed through a pinhole (the pupil) before hitting the back of our eyes, we actually see everything upside-down
Just give me the bloody neurolink already, I’m ready to ascend into the hivemind
That sounds cool, I’ll at least be of some use after I die
Meanwhile bees and ants are unpaid interns
I mean, placebo is still a placebo. My point was that a placebo doesn’t automatically mean 0% effective. I’m not using it as a negative term here. But I do get your point, I think.
Exactly this. I am 27 and if there’s anything I’ve learned about the importance of different skills in tech, is that the most important one is finding the information you need. Everything else, you can look up as you need it
Placebo effect is real. So is the opposite. Not in the way that it magically changes the universe, but it can influence your own body
Oh, that explains why was being weird today and yesterday. Thought it was just issues with my account. Thanks for the info!
Worked for me - though the yellow text almost caused my eyes to crash while reading
Human brains are really, really bad at multiplying. This means we can’t really imagine a 1000 of something, so the sheer scale is difficult to perceive intuitively. That might be part of the reason, I think.
Jokes on you, I was already on the toilet when seeing this post
If the Earth were the size of a basketball, it wouldn’t even feel wet to the touch because of how thin the oceans would be relatively. Scales are wild
There is a similar request on GitHub already - you still might want to check it out to support the suggestion
Not only that, but electricity travels through nerves at a finite speed (that is less than light speed), and brain spends non-zero amount of time to piece together the reality you perceive from all of your senses. So yeah, there’s always a delay in your perception and IIRC there even are experiments that prove that
no, it’s wrapped until Christmas
If you don’t mind me asking, how do I search the posts on Jerboa? Can’t seem to figure it out
Popcorn, anyone? 🍿
so if we get to GammaFi we can be even faster