Good thing they avoided that.
Little bit of everything!
Avid Swiftie (come join us at ! )
Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)
I live for 90s TV sitcoms
Good thing they avoided that.
Saving this, thank you for the recommendation. Usually the decks battery is fine for a mid distance flight, but some of the longer ones I find myself being tethered to seat power, which usually is a loose outlet that the plug regularly falls out of. Having a second charge would … well, take me twice the distance
That was 100% it’s downfall. I don’t know what executive said “But it Haaaass to run on them” - I guarantee every engineer there knew it would be a disaster on the older gen. I know they said at the beginning that it would, but they should have just sucked it up and said “Look, folks, we’re sorry, it just can’t run and you won’t have a good time, so it’s next gen only. We’ll see you in Night City when you can”
It’s about making more steam users. Windows is great, they can use steam. They’re going after people who can’t afford a pc. If people get a deck or steamos who already do own one, that’s just gravy
Exactly. Even Meta and their thousands of lawyers would immediately say this. How does it harm people? Prove it does. Why are they singled out? They’re just showing content they think is relevant, and I’m guessing they honestly are. It’s that political groups take advantage of that, and make slop that enrages and inflames. But Meta would just say “you can’t punish us for trying to make our platform successful”. A mess all around
Was just calling out something to think about at least
I’d only be worried if they were willing to send it to collections, that can hit your credit. Even a small thing can fuck up your credit
Definitely, instead we only got a kinda crappy book
Almost like shareholders would get value if they focused on making good games. Make good product, people buy, shareholder money go up. Why do we have to keep explaining that to them?
I always felt Andromeda got a bad rap. It’s not a great game. It’s not on par with mass effect. But it’s fine, I had fun. I never felt like it was a waste of money. Not a masterpiece, but I enjoyed it
This is the most logical
I’m personally looking into setting up a friendica instance for my family
Oh I know, it’s just that they said they’re removing moderation for “free speech” and then remove one of the ways you can express themselves. Just hypocritical.
Just making it clear that it wasn’t about freedom of expression or speech. True freedom of speech would mean keeping these even if it made other people uncomfortable.
As someone who works in corporate America this is 10000% true. Giant corporations are hugely bloated, inefficient, slow, and stupid. I honestly can’t believe they are somehow the best way to do things in groups of people. I have never had less work to do than working in a huge corporation.
It’s no surprise that indie games can compete with them. Working in startups compared to huge corporations, I did more code and we got more done in shorter amounts of time vs big corps. There’s no red tape, there’s no committees or directors or people you have to please. There’s no political games, you just do your work. As simple as that. You come in, you code for 7-8 hours, you push your feature, and you go home.
In a megacorp you come in, you get 5 minutes for coffee before 3 people are pinging you on slack for some stupid downstream thing they didn’t read the manual on or was never documented, and then you have 5 hours of meetings, lunch, 2 hours of ad hoc meetings, and then Shirley has to swing by to ask you to take another HR training. So you get maybe 20 minutes of coding done in a day.
For you engineers who have never coded in a megacorp - As an example, most megacorps have an ID service (usually named after a comic book character). This is usually a real service deployed somewhere that nobody maintains anymore, but it’s where you get your… IDs from. Really wrap your head around that. It’s a microservice who is in charge of returning Guid.NewGuid()
. Then they get pulled into meetings because the ID service doesn’t support this or that, they never thought of this case or that case, how can we upgrade off the old ID service to the new one. In a startup, you’re calling Guid.NewGuid()
He knows the only people who still use that platform are celebrating less facts and more AI slop. It’s time to seriously start getting our parents off of facebook
Agree. If it comes out someday I’ll probably buy it and enjoy it. Even starfield I thought was fine. Not great, it was fine. BUT ain’t no way it’s been under development for 15 years. It’s been on the back burner. They’re terrified because they know they can’t top Skyrim, and that style of gameplay is no longer really accepted. (See - Starfield endless loading screens).
Idk why any shareholder holds Bethesda stock, I guess now that it’s Microsoft
I’ve always thought they do such a good job at building worlds but are absolute shit on story and content. I wish there was a way they’d just build worlds and then hand it off to someone who knows how to make a decent story. Valhalla and Odyssey had amazing worlds that deserved better stories
But do they have COLORS?
Agree, depending on what you prefer it can be the cheapest or most expensive option. I remember playing left 4 dead windowed at 480p when it first came out