Literally on AWS ours does. Since 2014:
That’s why it’s in West Virginia
Literally on AWS ours does. Since 2014:
That’s why it’s in West Virginia
You really are clueless.
Why don’t you go ask crowdstrike how easy it is to bring down enormous amounts of seemingly unconnected infrastructure .
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It’s called the government cloud. Where do you think it runs. Amazon could bring a LOT of TLA agencies to their knees pretty quickly if they so chose
Shut down the offices and evacuated employees when threatened with arrest. There’s a whole lot more to this story…
I mean it was pretty damn funny and it was pretty clearly labeled as PARODY…
I don’t see how any reasonable thinking human could think it was real.
Exactly. Utter propaganda bullshit
Meanwhile in the land of the free…
Um, Iraq and Afghanistan? We absolutely DESTROYED ALL of Iraq’s infrastructure in like a week and then GW flew out to an aircraft carrier with a banner that said “Mission Accomplished”.
Then we spend the next 20 years kicking in doors and killing civilians cause reasons.
Then we bail and leave all the dudes that helped us out behind so they can pay the price for helping the enemy…good times…
Israel is not deserving of support by the civilized world.
Totally agree but just like the drug commercial in the '80s…“I learned it from watching you!”
Except on that 43k you have tax and license and all the other bs fees…so you make your 8k down payment and end up financing the whole 43k and your payment is 800+/mo
Ask me how I know…
Julian Assange would like a word…
What you want is a bash script and a cron job that calls it. Most of what you need is likely already installed for you.
“crontab -e” will pull up your crontab editor. Check out “man crontab” first to get an idea of the syntax…it looks complicated at first but it’s actually really easy once you get the hang of it.
Your script will call tar to create your backup archive. You’ll need the path to the folder where your files to backup are and then something like: tar -C PATH_TO_FILES -czf PATH_AND_NAME_OF_BACKUP.tgz .
That last dot tells it to tar up everything in the current folder. You can also use backticks to call programs in line…like date (man date). So if your server software lives in /opt/server and your config files you want to backup are in /opt/server/conf and you want to store the backups in /home/backups you could do something like:
tar -C /opt/server/conf -czf /home/backups/server_bkup.`date +%Y%m%d`.tgz .
Which would call tar, tell it to change directory (-C) to /opt/server/conf and then create (-c) +gzip (-z) into file (-f) /home/backups/blah.tgz everything in the new current directory (.)
I don’t know if that’s what you’re looking for but that would be the easiest way to do it…sorry for potato formatting but I’m on mobile
It’s a nextcloud app:
and then there’s an android app for your phone:
Carnet to replace google keep notes
No more foreign entanglements!
Here we go again…same old dog whistle
So desperate you almost feel bad for them for not being creative enough to come up with something a little more believable this time…