I’m surprised there hasn’t been a revival of an AI Jeeves.
A local ‘the end is high’ sign man had changed his tune as soon the election result hit. He had handwritten signs spelling out the doom America is headed towards and how the healthcare system (Obama care) has fucked him over covering every panel of his '90s chevy. After Nov. it’s all good, no doom here we are headed in to a new golden era or whatever. About a week later someone took all of his new signs. Haven’t seen him since but his tape stained truck is still sitting there. I hope he took the opportunity to move on but after talking to him briefly in the summer that probably will never be the case.
Why develop and create something in a vacuum when you can beta test it on everyone.
Yes, yes it is. The only deterrent really is the will of the employee to commit fraud and/or a customer noticing. I’ve had to handle coworkers in the past writing in tips on blank tip lines on the reciepts that the customer signed.
Its sorted by hot if you are seeing highly downvoted comments. Also its on top of hot because of ‘engagement’.
I use KeePassXC its free works on what I use. The encrypted list of passwords is synced with my phone twice a day with Syncthing. Chrome had a fit with the android app to I switched to Firefox after. I selfhost it because it’s free and I know enough to troubleshoot any problems.
You can, it requires a startup command: “steamdeck=0 %command%”
Put that, without quotes in the game properties. You can start the game without it, but matchmaking is blocked.
If you disconnect them you can charge them fees
I hear you but that just seems like putting kerosene on a fire.
I think I remember reading about similar phrases telling the reader to be conscious of their mortal life on a bunch of old world clocks? Maybe he was influenced by those.
We’re seeing a bunch of promises made when LLM were the novel hot shit. Now that we’ve plateaued on how useful they are to the average consumer every AI product is just a beta test that will drop support as soon as something newer and shinier comes along.
Who is ‘they’?
Which side has the better tax benefits?
An idea.
I have thought about this but haven’t seen anything about whether or not they will regulate the ads better. I enjoy not having obnoxious, repetitive ads. I also enjoy having no ads and directly supporting the creator of the media I like.
You should see his most recent video about a video aggregator app.
That will make most points moot, I just want a less shit internet while we still have it.