According to the first law I cannot allow you to wash that shirt, nor am I allowed, through inaction, to let you wash it elsewhere.
According to the first law I cannot allow you to wash that shirt, nor am I allowed, through inaction, to let you wash it elsewhere.
I’m in the Rocky camp too. Before the IBM buyout I would have said CentOS.
My server has a raid1 mdadm boot drive. And an 8 dive raid6 with zfs. It’s been running for 14 years now. The only thing that I haven’t replaced over it’s lifetime is the chassis. In fact the proc let out the magic smoke a few weeks ago, after some new parts it’s still going strong.
That’s a guy that knows where his towel is.
I agree. I got to the point that I could build monsters on the fly at the table and didn’t worry about game balance. There was an elegance in the consistency.
My group landed on a rotation of silly overpowered short campaigns to absolutely destroy the engine, and long games where we all agreed not to break the game.
That being said 4th Ed was so much better to craft monsters in. It broke me for every game I’ve run since. Now I just reskin.
Once heard a guy tell me about a game he was in. When a player didn’t show up the character turned into a gold coin. And when the player returned the coin would turn back into a character. During the game the party found out the BBEG was the one doing rituals to turn people into the coins.
Assuming MBAs can do math might be a mistake. I’ve worked on an MBA pet project that squandered millions in worker time and opportunity cost to save 30k mrc…