I see where they’re coming from, but like every good idea the government has had its going to be abused and mutated into Satan’s Christmas tree of a bill, and either be draconian or useless.
Also, this idea is shit for brains stupid lol
I see where they’re coming from, but like every good idea the government has had its going to be abused and mutated into Satan’s Christmas tree of a bill, and either be draconian or useless.
Also, this idea is shit for brains stupid lol
Remember, according to the small Canadian man, adblock is theft
Pot, meet kettle
Sadly not new. The USA considers encryption to be a weapon of war (thanks Germany), so they do whatever they can to interfere with it. If you are making a new encryption scheme it will be illegal if the government doesn’t have an easy way to break it.
Edit: the guy that made pgp got in a stink with the government if memory serves they tried to bop him with something to do with itar.
And that’s totally fine. That’s the beauty of the internet, not everybody has to pitch in, and if you can’t you shouldn’t feel bad about it. There was a time when I was a starving college student and was doing the five finger discount on a very regular basis. We’re glad you’re here regardless.
My egalitarian FOSS is showing lol
That’s how things should work honestly. Those that can chip in, should. A beer every so often goes a long way. It’s honestly something I barely notice in my finances too. This time it goes to something I believe in instead of a twitch sub lol.
Most of the the time cowboys and ranch hands were in danger from their herd stampeding, or the occasional cattle thief. It’s very hard work, and not nearly as romantic as Hollywood makes it out to be.
Though if you like camping you might like an old school cattle drive.
Sadly the hobo chiller of doom and the rest of my oc gear are in storage, otherwise I would.
I used to use it with my hobo chiller of doom when extreme overclocking. I only use it to insulate the socket now, the board is covered in liquid electrical tape.
The hobo chiller of doom got upgraded to a water block glued to a peltier, and it’s still hobo as crap.
I’m old enough to remember when this sort of thing was a regular thing, especially with bulletin boards popping up and burning down with regularity. Apart from crowd sourced troubleshooting and the like, reddit hasn’t really done much for me.
I’ll miss rif, and if it gains the traction I think it will, Lemmy will eventually be more reddit like in culture. The difference this time is the ease of course correction.
If physical contact was necessary for collaboration, then nearly every foss project would fail.