They optimized for specific NVIDIA chips. Theres a lot of assembly level optimization that doesn’t backport.
They optimized for specific NVIDIA chips. Theres a lot of assembly level optimization that doesn’t backport.
Isn’t Silo just the screen version of the Wool books?
Versus someone that doesn’t understand the market segment this is meant for. People using it for training don’t care about the distro or gfx drivers. It’s an appliance.
They said there is no freedom of choice. You are free to choose any distro you want. HW mfgs aren’t under obligation to provide inbox support for niche markets.
Not true. You can run other distros, but it won’t be ready to go without a decent amount of work.
“The ad that beat us,” Mr Brown says, was one that declared a vote for Mr Brown to be a vote against Mr Trump. “There was no really good answer for that,” he says.
It basically comes down to race for those voters.
Gaming really peaked with TF2. It’s been downhill ever since.
Any med pen gun will take out the shield, then 3 shots to the eye with the railgun and it goes down consistently for me.
That’s too much padding. It needs to be more like Hacker News.
Cadians or Kriegers? Either way they need shovels.
Every Syrian refugee I’ve met **hates ** Russia for the atrocities committed there. But money talks, I hope you are right and they tell them off.
It’s beneficial to him and politically shrewd. If Trump does it for his family then he’s as bad as Biden. If congress passes a law banning it for family then Trump is potentially exposed. They’ll have to find a more clever way to come after him and that makes their job more difficult in both the long and short term.
I partially agree, but there needs to be things that appeal to older and conservative voters willing to bridge the gap.
Plus an elder statesman that can keep the House under control will make Harris’ job infinitely easier.
Mark Kelly would be a pretty exceptionally qualified old white guy.
Nuclear power is great. How soon can you have it installed and add capacity?
The Nestle product to boycott from the article is called Vital Pursuit.
That demographic is the least reliable for consistently voting. Would make more sense to try for the 30-50 something range that might be Stern’s audience.
I had zero problems with CP2077 on PC, even from launch. I think most of the fervor was about the poor state of the console versions.
They’ll require that consultants are hired through a company owned by a Trump subsidiary and pocket a percentage of the pay.