Blocked from posting on lopsided posts. The system wants to demonize half the population and infantilize the other. I’ll post when it draws a crowd. Why waste the forums I’m not blocked from. Uncomfortable truths are free.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2024


  • Wtf. Children experience empathy from when they first develop the ability to understand what is happening around them. They aren’t unfeeling psychopaths, they might be idiots that don’t understand what they are doing is impacting others, but they don’t suddenly grow a conscience and feel empathy. This is bad parenting to even consider thinking that way. You are probably a psychopath if you see your child as a psychopath, one that shouldn’t have a child.

  • sumguyonline@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRepulsive
    3 days ago

    Are people are claiming this is how men are? They aren’t. Most lonely men would date a mop head if it was nice to them. If men aren’t interested in you, it’s probably your actions, and personality, keeping them from reciprocating attraction. Try being a good homosapien, then people will respond better in general. Now if you idiots are still trying to force attractive men to date wildabeasts, and this is actually you trying to make a swipe at attractive men that won’t date thunderthighs and a face like melted ice cream, try treating the unattractive men like humans, every single ugly dude I know would fall overthemselves to have a fat pile of ice cream treat them like a human being.

  • Sometimes the smartest person in the room is a woman. By refusing to educated women, they are limiting the intellectual growth and capabilities of their own culture. Cultures with fair, balanced rules, and systems of living, for everyone regardless of race, gender, or any other thing people imagine matters, will have a stronger society in almost all aspects from that alone. Because most of the things people imagine matter. Don’t. In fact, what matters, is the actual intellectual capabilities of the individual, not how you or anyone else perceives them.

  • I was all for the fire when it was taking the homes of people that have never lost everything, and had regularly taken everything from others(palisades), but there’s poor people that barely have living situations having that taken from them, and people that genuinely earned everything they have(Mel Gibson, hate him or love him he started poor), it’s unfortunate to see people losing everything they had picked out to make themselves at home. Even tho it’s actually pretty cool to say “relieved of my physical belongings”, and irresponsible to say an animal dewormed definitively cured cancer when it truly could have created a genuine placebo effect and their body curied cancer. Bodies cure cancer all the time. It wouldn’t be a stretch to assume a placebo effect stirred a persons own immune system to cure a nasty bout if it wasn’t already weakened by radiation treatment. Not out of the realm of possibility, but unfortunately not very reproducible… But I digress, the people that are working, and or earned already everything they have is a definitive tragedy. I understand not caring about the Hollywood 1%, but the poor, once it reaches their door step it’s everybody’s problem. Cuz if they let it happen to them, they will let it happen to you, an me.

  • Ya know why rent prices isn’t the first thing on his agenda? Because he’s part of the problem. Same as kamala. Ya’ll are fucking morons for voting for either. People already couldn’t afford rent under kamala, NOW! No rule changes, no laws, just: “bring in the immigrant engineers and annex Canada!” We knew we were already getting screwed under democrats! You knew what happened last time trumpo was in charge! He cut taxes and left US a timebomb to make the Democrats look bad! We do not want people like this running the country but you douche bags all act like it has to be dem or rep. Insane.

  • I love how people act like their knowledge alone somehow makes them better than their peers, just utilizing knowledge to appear aloof, or above it all, when in reality, if capitalism shot itself in the chest and socialism took over tomorrow, we would still have the same rich 1% families stealing from the working class and none of us would actually be in any better a position because no damned political system to date has figured out how to keep the rich from sacrificing the poor for their own selfish ends. End of story. Time to change.

  • In the US, if you sit a voter down, either a republican or democrat, and talk to them like a person, find out their desires, passions, fears, anxieties, and hope for the future. MOST of them want the same damn thing, they are just listening to a different source of misinformation for how to fix it. Neither Republican nor Democrat parties actually have a long term fix for any of our issues. They have temporary Band-Aids that will wear off as soon as they leave office so it looks like the next guy did it. They both do this while slowly eroding away at the very basic rights we as citizens are guaranteed by the laws of the land.

  • Judges be selling kids for cash, b-tards be dressed up in clown outfits on the side of the airplane taxiway for highend clients flippin a “kids4cash” sign. The report could say “corrupt” and nothing else, and all that would happen is people go “yup I’m voten for k dawg, or trumpssiah” and “those kids likely shouldn’t have been born anyways, they are lucky to have gotten as far as they did before having their lives ruined” Shits cor-rupt from the ground up.