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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2024


  • Microsoft has been steadily moving away from backwards compatibility and trying to be a one-stop shop for everything. They just want Windows to be focused on data collection and spying at this point. And your gaming data isn’t as valuable as you might think.

    If they don’t have one for it already, they’ll just want to make a compatible Xbox app to run on Linux. If Linux can serve the gaming folks, and they get their data with an Xbox sign-in, it’s way less work and cost for them to keep Windows running the games well. I doubt they feel threatened at all.

  • Yep. Trump was always expected to deescalate. That’s why Biden immediately ramped up on every war front after Harris lost. They had to cram as much planned war in as quickly as they could.

    I have an old college friend who’s a foreign service officer at the state dept. Right after the Harris loss, the state dept cancelled all leave, and called everyone in for this 3 month blitz. Gonna try to get some more info out of my friend, when he’s brought back in February.

    This has been a Democrat crime spree. Wish there was any hope of the incoming admin holding them accountable, but I doubt they want to set a precedent for punishing war crimes before they start on their own.