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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Its not surprising. I used to work at one of these places and they would laugh at any viable alternative acting like it would never have a chance. They also were well aware of the fact that some of their distributors illegally kill the returned horshoe crabs and turn them into fertilizer. So any claims that they’re not hurting the horshoe crabs are bullshit. They’ve just offloaded the hurt to contractors who are 50/50 on actually trying to protect the crabs and just using them as bait. Even if they didn’t do that, I’ve always been suspect that the crabs do great in the wild after losing 60% of their blood.

  • Yeah exactly! I especially find this true for sci-fi. There are some great battlemaps for sci-fi out there, but they tend to depict very similar places in similar settings, as another commenter mentioned, or just be a recreation of something from star wars for the umpteenth time. There’s a place for maps of wildly different locales in sci-fi games. Alien planets have backwater towns too! Not every map needs to be a space station, a hangar, or a cyberpunk city.

    Hopefully I’ve helped make a teeny tiny dent in the sci fi map variety issue.

  • Kind of a pedestrian use case, which might be good for flavoring, but you could make a sweet “air” hockey table out of them. I imagine there being a future version of air hockey that actually magnets in a vacuum. You could basically flavor it as truly frictionsless air hockey, with the games having the puck fly around at incredible speeds.

    Assuming that cars, or the preferred method of transportation uses the magnets to get around, you could also have new kinds of Rollerblades and skateboards that use the magnets to travel the infrastructure. Maybe its something that only punk kids do by slapping stolen magnets on planks of wood. They can cause problems as they constantly get in the way of the car users.

    You could also flavor the skateboards/ as a corporation backed cost cutting measure. The only people with magnet cars are the elite/ultra rich and everyone else can only afford a magnet scooter or whatever. If you want a really cynical world you could even give right of way to the magnet cars, so common folk would have to dodge them traveling at incredible speeds.

    I think there are a ton more examples, but I bet, assuming the super conductor is reliably reproducible, that we will have crazier use cases within a decade IRL than we could dream up here. Probably some weird way to make sprinklers work better or something