Hopefully not don’t want the pigs to get any nasty parasites. At least burn the trenches.
Hopefully not don’t want the pigs to get any nasty parasites. At least burn the trenches.
What would be left the copper wiring … Modern plumbing is plastic…
You mean accidentally shot himself in the back of the head and 2 in the chest whilst throwing himself out a window
But you have to then hold everyone accountable equally… This part feels one sided
Not my president by choice. But the resistance against him will be.
But if you held all 82 of them in your hand and let them off you might end up with a missing finger … Nail.
I’m kidding kids… don’t eat fireworks.
In my country Go put a block out and a blind on your property and post about it. It wouldn’t take the length of a sandtimer to See how long a conservation officer of some sort shows up on your door step to arrest you.
Your funny… You can’t bait deer with salt. Shitty hunters will place salt blocks into the wild to entice the local fawna to hang around. Makes the whole hunter gatherer shtick a cake walk from the heated blind the shot coming after spilling their cocoa on the dog while reaching over turn the TV down because the motion detector is going off.
Oh that the very bottom it says never rely on hold to ever anything that is literally their caveat to they are not liable to you. put your foot on the brake.
No they don’t. The hydraulic system is not used to stop you at any time unless your foot pushes that peddle. Do use your actual brakes everyonce in awhile so they don’t rust into place and fail to work when you need them.
Sure here you go it was short sighted withdrawal started without enough timing or items in place to do so effectively and safely. As was warned when the call for withdrawal was requested to no end. No amount of money can fix completely shit expectations forcing impossible outcomes. But trying to pass off the blame of a execution on the guy trying to mop the blood off the floor is a bit off.
Do you put your foot over the brake and maybe hold some pressure on the pedal?. Just asking as I’m going to just put this out there If not your doing it wrong. As a responsible driver your foot must at least press the brake pedal to hold you still and I’ll tell you why. What if you get hit from behind. Where is your foot? Over the brake or gas? Most people like 99 percent tense when hit with sudden stress. But are you going to clamp down and shoot into traffic or help everything behind you also come to a stop?
Only reason I use best buy is price matching Amazon. It goes to the store I can pick it up there have done this with tvs stereos the lot. And best part. If you had to order it they deliver to the store if it’s broken or any problems you can refuse delivery there and then with no fight it’s still in the store.
Kind of a smart bet. But if Donnie doesn’t stop China from taking Taiwan everybody’s prices will go through the roof In the meantime.
Might turn out like xhit Pooh banning Winnie over being called a fat bear. … I hate the association. Winnie is a sweet innocent who’s wisdom is so simple it’s easy to think he an idiot. Fuck xi Leon and dumpster.
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Holy fuck we have strayed far from our foundations.
Right the jumpers would be cable select, master , slave generally. You could use master and slave or cs but shouldn’t together. Not that you can’t but screwing up your jumpers was the easy way to be pulling you hair out for failure to boot to the right drive or failure to id in the right order.
I don’t know this smells of some pencil Pusher looking at an engineer going “can you bring the cost of that rubber o-ring down 13 cents”… “I know you were looking for a specific type of seal but I got this huge assortment pack right here from my local temu…”
To be fair it actually was Auto rotating down until the nose pitch down and it lost all the lift that it was generating and it wasn’t until then that it then pitched straight down and slammed right into the ground face first
Love how the have the 3 cars just jammed into one another on the back of the fourth truck.