That sounds miserable :(
In a previous position I was asked if I was willing to be on call, but it was optional. I accepted because the terms were good.
If I was on call the requirements were clear - No alcohol, and a 10 minute response time 24/7.
In return, I got a bump in my paycheck for weeks I was on call, no matter whether I was actually called or not. And any time that I did end up spending on support incidents I was eligible to take back out of normal hours at time and a half. So if I spent two hours on support in the middle of the night, I could take three hours off the next day.
It was a respectful arrangement that made me feel positive about the company and management, and I wish all companies did it that way.
The nice thing about Gator Game was that movement felt so good and fluid. It really is just a game about jumping and climing and bouncing around like a hyper kid.
Given the game doesn’t have ‘combat’ they really really needed to get traversal right because that’s the main draw, and they succeeded in that.