Wow. W Bush was president (or Obama depending on month).
Edit: yep, W. Bush. Oct 6th 2008, so Obama hadn’t even been elected yet.
Wow. W Bush was president (or Obama depending on month).
Edit: yep, W. Bush. Oct 6th 2008, so Obama hadn’t even been elected yet.
The creator of Lemmy is just one example. They remove a lot of content that isn’t hateful, just against their political ideology. I used that as an example of a private social media website which does a lot of censoring, even though the creators are sort of, somehow, outwardly against censoring? So everyone is human is my point.
The article in question is about hate speech, not political dissent. Hate speech is pretty widely moderated away on Lemmy, and I think a majority of people here are cool with that. Some here are arguing semantics which is fair. Censoring is censoring which is the definition of censoring. I’m in the camp that if someone online is threatening another person or group of people, that should be hidden/removed.
There’s a big difference between utterly insane tankie takes and hateful content.
Are you saying it should be required by law to have a comment regarding removal of content?
That’s the problem with the internet, really. You can’t punch these a-holes through your monitor or keyboard. The consequence here is moderation instead of physical violence. Removing these people from their platform is the punch in the nuts that they deserve. It’s still free speech because these are non-government websites.
Edit to make it less mean sounding.
I’m glad you asked because I’ve sort of been meaning to look into that.
I have 4 8TB drives that have ~64,000 hours (7.3 years) powered on.
I have 2 10TB drives that have ~51,000 hours (5.8 years) powered on.
I have 2 8TB drives that have ~16,800 hours (1.9 years) powered on.
Those 8 drives make up my ZFS pool. Eventually I want to ditch them all and create a new pool with fewer drives. I’m finding that 45TB is overkill, even when storing lots of media. The most data I’ve had is 20TB and it was a bit overwhelming to keep track of it all, even with the *arrs doing the work.
To rebuild it with 4 x 16TB drives, I’d have half as many drives, reducing power consumption. It’d cost about $1300. With double parity I’d have 27TB usable. That’s the downside to larger drives, having double parity costs more.
To rebuild it with 2 x 24TB drives, I’d have 1/4 as many drives, reducing power consumption even more. It’d cost about $960. I would only have single parity with that setup, and only 21TB usable.
Increasing to 3 x 24TB drives, the cost goes to $1437 with the only benefit being double parity. Increasing to 4*24TB gives double parity, 41TB, and costs almost $2k. That would be overkill.
Eventually I’ll have to decide which road to go down. I think I’d be comfortable with single parity, so 2 very large drives might be might be my next move, since my price per kWh is really high, around $.33.
Edit: one last option, and a really good one, is to keep the 10TB drives, ditch all of the 8TB drives, and add 2 more 10TB drives. That would only cost $400 and leave me with 4 x 10TB drives. Double parity would give me 17TB. I’ll have to keep an eye on things to make sure it doesn’t get full of junk, but I have a pretty good handle on that sort of thing now.
Lemmy was created because Desaulines(sp?) got “censored” on reddit. Now he famously over-censors his darling instance
My point is just that nobody really thinks it should be a free for all. Everyone is human and doesn’t want to hear anything that they consider egregious, or in the case of “against rule 2”.
This has some limitations if I remember correctly. It doesn’t use PostgreSQL, and I don’t think you can use Collabora or whatever, so editing documents in your browser won’t work.
It’s quite possible that I’m wrong about that.
This prompted me to try using it again. The pointer is moving around slow, then fast, then way too fast. It’s difficult to get it to land on what I want. Is that the point?
Cold hot dogs are allowed. Got it.
There’s an add-on and an integration, yeah.
Oh interesting. How fast things change. I’ve only been using Frigate for around a year and I’m already behind the times.
The Home Assistant mobile client? Or is there a Frigate app, too? I have the Frigate webpage bookmarked and used that. It’s also available in the HA front end, but I prefer using Frigate directly.
Frigate for software. Add a Coral to your computer (they come in M.2, Mini PCIe, even USB) to handle the object detection. Configuration is slightly complex, but the documentation is very good.
I’m using a couple of Amcrest cameras which I have on a VLAN that can’t access the internet, so no spying from the manufacturer.
I also added a hard drive specifically for the recording. It stores a ton of days worth of footage and Frigate handles deleting old footage to make room for new. I figure that hard drive will probably fail sooner than my other drives which is why I got one just for that.
I suggest you read some theory, comrade. You’re misguided and Che would be disappointed in you.
Typically yeah, but I think there was likely enough weight on the engine cowls to make the engines dig in to EMAS. I wonder if it has ever been tested.
Definitely a strange crash, although it sounds like there was some mechanical stuff going on as a result of multiple bird strikes on the previous approach.
Lots of airports around the world have EMAS which is designed to stop an airplane in this situation. Unfortunately this airport has a concrete wall instead. Google maps has it labeled as “Walls of death”, although I don’t know if that was recently added or if they’ve had that nickname for a while.
#Flagle #1040 (27.12.2024) 3/6
It sounds like we agree, but I’m much less lawerly due to my lack of experience in that field.